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RE: Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Where do these notions originate?

in #religion7 years ago

I did mention these arguments if you remember early on when we discussed religion. I believe you are at a tipping point right now, questioning whether the church has simply created these stories or borrowed from earlier myths.

I understand that personal revelation is a big thing among believers but as you continue your search towards our origins(like you are currently do), you are going to find out that people from India, see Buddha in the miracles as much as Muslims see Mohammad.

The concept of monotheism was born from the jewish community that was fleeing Egypt. If you read the original Tor'ah the first line reads "At the first day the Gods created....". The Bible made it singular later on. Polytheism was popular in Egypt but the Jewish people created a heresy, wanting to worship only one.

Hence we have today monotheism, with the three major religions. Nonetheless, we still observe the semi-gods like angels and Lucifer, all playing their own role in the pantheon of creation much like before.

At the end one question remains. If God created everything so he can play around, then who created God? If the answer is "nobody, always existed" then why skip the extra step and admit the obvious truth that everything, always existed and just gets recycled over and over again.

What can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence, and definitely, there are no evidence whatsoever that a God created all these.


Hold those thought's we will visit them again soon.

looking forward