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RE: Love is the Truth - Religion is a Lie - We are the Truth - The Devil is a Lie

in #religion7 years ago

ironically, I'd say the opposite is true today, at least in terms of science. you wouldn't know it until you reach the wall, the wall of accepted scientific ideas, and try and push beyond it. What you find is a self-reinforcing entity, it comes under many names, but generally is the leading 'board' in whatever field.

but what happens when you push the walls of acceptable research topics, your grant money will be pulled, you will find your credibility under attack.

just look at Nikola Tesla, arguably the most advanced mind of our time, and yet he is hardly known inside our schools today. Tesla himself was said to have tried to change the world a second time but was rebuffed. he ran into the rockefeller, would prized money/power above doing what is right.

but let me address faith quickly, before I wander off. I was a person of zero faith, but I gave it a chance because of an idea.

you get what you believe in. so if I could change a belief, I could change reality. so I did, and found it worked. I found that with Faith real world things changed. from this my faith grew, it has been growing, for years now.

faith is a strange beast, it only works if you believe it, you'll only see it once you believe it. but it seems to me you can see only what you are ready for, and with each advancement of faith, you are ready to see more of what is possible.

but the idea that Faith has no results, no feedback.. well that is religious faith, which teaches people to be powerless and beg for what they want, instead of expecting things to work out.


sorry I was referring to religious faith particularly