Love is the Truth - Religion is a Lie - We are the Truth - The Devil is a Lie

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

Religion From The Eyes Of An Agnostic

Religious morality can destroy your ability to think freely, brilliantly, outside the suffocating parameters of social controls. The religious texts many adore and admire are not divine or sublime, they are stories designed to control the actions and behaviors of humanity.


Society must stop praying and start looking at how we can liberate our people from the shackles of economic slavery. Religious leaders are often sanctioned by a capitalist class to control people’s political outlook.

Religious teachings are designed to turn bold children into obedient unquestioning masses. There are no supernatural judges in the sky, there are no angels with wings hovering around you. Religions of all are simply well delivered myths, based on illusions and delusions.

Pause Take A Deep Breath And Feel Love In Your Heart These Words May Upset Some

If this upsets you because you believe in your religion strongly good, this means you have compassion you can feel hurt. Now realize it hurts the child to discover Santa is a relative or the old guy at the mall, it hurts when they realize what they believed in so dearly is a Lie.

Religion is an illusion; it's a facade, used to deteriorate the political psychology of the masses. Sectarianism is used to create strife and conflict in resource-rich lands that are targeted by capitalist imperialists.

  • Religious rituals are used to ensure that you remain on the religious, brainwashing, bandwagon. -
  • Religious morality is designed to obliterate your mental faculties.

Please don’t get angry or full of hate if you so strongly believe in your religion but instead use logic to question its teachings.

You will begin to understand that regardless of what religion you follow it is based upon control an meant to keep you asleep from true reality, instead of looking toward a higher power or a God for answers look at the causing factors of your questions, use logic and advice from intelligent peers to guide you towards your answers.

Feel Liberated

Feel liberated that you have Woken Up and realized just like Santa and the Tooth Fairy there are no devils in the pits of the earth, there are no angels in the sky. Fight for humanity, instead of using focusing on your spirituality or the ritual teachings of clergymen. Liberate your soul from the sick rules and mind control of religion. Seek the truth through the use of logic and understanding of rhetoric.

Knowledge is power and Truth provides great knowledge.

There is no good intention behind a lie, Truth, Love and compassion for others is the only true religion.

A Story About Logic

A man woke up late one morning for work, his alarm clock did not go off so he went to turn the light on but when he flipped the switch, no light. The power had turned off, the man got down on his knees and prayed to God to bring light, he opened his eyes to nothing but darkness.
So off to work he drove, on the way his car began to lose control and he pulled off the road to discover a flat. The man got down on his knees and prayed to God to fix the flat, he opened his eyes to less air in the tire. The man put a note on the window that he would return and waved down a taxi and headed to work.
He arrived late to work and was called into the office, while walking to the door he closed his eyes and prayed please God let him understand. The Boss said you are late and missed a very important client, I am sorry but I have to let you go. The man left the business and began to walk to his car he was now in no rush because he had no job and did not want to spend any more on a taxi for he knew not when he would have more income.
When he finally arrived at his car another man was there fixing the tire, he walked up and said hey this is my car what are you doing. The man replied I saw you had a flat tire so I figured I would help you, see I love to help others, love is my religion. The man said come and learn how I fix this with this can of fix-a-flat so next time it happens you can save yourself. After fixing the tire, the owner of the car thanked the man and said I would offer you lunch back at my home but the lights will not turn on. The man said lets go take a look maybe we can fix the light.
They returned and the man began to inspect the power circuit box, with a few flips of the switches the power was restored an the light returned. The homeowner said there is a God I must take you back to my job.
The man looked at him and said what do you mean because I am not sure of that. He said I prayed to God to bring the light and now it's on, I prayed to God to fix the flat and now it holds air, I prayed for my Boss to understand so I must bring you there. The man turned and said I think I see your problem, your problem is prayer.

You prayed for the light to come on but I used logic, thought about what to do and then took action to fix it.
You prayed for the tire to inflate but I used logic, thought about what to do and then took action to fix it.
You prayed for the Boss to understand you, but you did not use logic to explain, think about it then go take action.

The man went to his old job the next day and walked in the office, he explained his new understanding for logic and ways he could use this to better the business. The Boss said thank God someone gets it.



This is funny if you stop to think about how much faith Scientists have. You know that scientists are just guessing and then hoping to prove that their guess is right?

They don't hope they act, they don't wish or hope that they are right they test a hypothesis in science there is No right and wrong. You make a hypothesis and you test and then if the result is different then the hypothesis you retest and if the result is still different than the hypothesis you make a conclusion. You then learn from that conclusion and in return make more probable conclusion on future hypothesis.

Lovely post man, I love this...

very good, greeting

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Why stop at fighting for humanity, animals are used and abused everyday. We need glass walls in slaughterhouses already.

I agree especially after the videos and arrests of abuse coming from the cow slaughterhouse recently , I see you don’t have a Steemit Profile Picture I made a post to make it simple to do just scroll down to 5 on this post Here

ironically, I'd say the opposite is true today, at least in terms of science. you wouldn't know it until you reach the wall, the wall of accepted scientific ideas, and try and push beyond it. What you find is a self-reinforcing entity, it comes under many names, but generally is the leading 'board' in whatever field.

but what happens when you push the walls of acceptable research topics, your grant money will be pulled, you will find your credibility under attack.

just look at Nikola Tesla, arguably the most advanced mind of our time, and yet he is hardly known inside our schools today. Tesla himself was said to have tried to change the world a second time but was rebuffed. he ran into the rockefeller, would prized money/power above doing what is right.

but let me address faith quickly, before I wander off. I was a person of zero faith, but I gave it a chance because of an idea.

you get what you believe in. so if I could change a belief, I could change reality. so I did, and found it worked. I found that with Faith real world things changed. from this my faith grew, it has been growing, for years now.

faith is a strange beast, it only works if you believe it, you'll only see it once you believe it. but it seems to me you can see only what you are ready for, and with each advancement of faith, you are ready to see more of what is possible.

but the idea that Faith has no results, no feedback.. well that is religious faith, which teaches people to be powerless and beg for what they want, instead of expecting things to work out.

sorry I was referring to religious faith particularly

Wow..that's nice