"It is possible that you dislike a things which is good for you, and that you love a thing, which is bad for you. But Allah (God) knows, while you know not." -Quran (2:216)
Allah (God) is "al-AlΔ«m" meaning All-Knowing. He knows and is aware of everything. Your knowledge is nothing without Allah (God). He knows what is best for you and you do not. Don't get upset when you do not get something you want, surely Allah (God) knows best. πππ
Allah (God) hears all your prayers. If it is good for you, He will respond to it in this world and if not, He will reward you with something better in the hereafter. So therefore, Allah (God) responds to all your prayers β¨
Betul sekali apa yang anda katakan. Kebanyakan dari umat islam lalai akan hal itu. Mereka kebanyakan hanya memikirkan materi dan hampir melupakan sang pemberi rezqy. Na'udzubillah tsumma na'udzubillah. Semoga kita selalu diberi hidayah untuk selalu mengingatNya dan menjadi hambaNya yang beriman dan bertaqwa. Amin.
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