I have no concerns about debating a JW. I welcome it. I douse them with such a barrage of things I've learned about them that they hardly have time to answer. I also like to try to take a picture of them as they absolutely hate that. I've even followed them down the street to the next house to yell to the neighbor about how they think that we are all doomed and only they can save us. In recent readings, I learned of some of the newer initiatives where the plan is to "walk among us as if we are manure among the ashes", once the armageddon comes. I usually quote that line to show them that I really have some above average information. I love the analogy of shooting the arrow and then painting the target around it. I think that can be used in every day life too for the way a lot of people do a lot of things.
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OMG! Really? LOL!!! You take a picture of them? When I used to go door to door, if anybody tried to take my picture, I would have run the hell away, haha! I think I'm going to take a page out of your book and start taking pictures of JWs everywhere I see them - and they are everywhere! It will be a labour of love because I really do love these people......
The picture trick is awesome. You'd think you were pulling out kryptonite or something. Lately, I've switched to video actually so that if they say anything threatening to me, I can report them to their hall or post it publicly or take it to the local news. They've all run and covered their faces and such though as I quote things and tell them sarcastically how worries I am about the armageddon coming any time.