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RE: Daily Scripture

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

So very true. My daughter has a rare terminal illness and each day I pray for perfect healing and a long healthy life. While Jesus hasnt erased her complication he has in my view given us now nearly two years which the doctors said would not be possible. He has minimized her seizure activity from the 50-60 we were told to expect daily to some months none! He has used her story to lead me and my wife closer to his loving arms. He had used her life and miraculous resilience to show his power, love and glory.

Point being, we pray, he listens, and he answers. Even if the answers are not always exactly what we requested, His answers are ALWAYS what we needed. Romans 8:28

Great post. Blessings.


Thank you so much for sharing you personal experience, and testimony, I will also think about your daughter in my prayers. May God Bless you and your family.