in #religion7 years ago


Circumcision was not what God approved it was faith. Abraham wasn't called a righteous man because he obeyed the law rather because he BELIEVED on God and it was counted righteousness unto him by God, Gen 15:6. Cutting yourself from those things is not what pronounce you as His child or make you righteous. Faith does! Faith give you reasons to cut yourself from those things if need be(as led by the spirit of God not knowledge less Zeal).

God is not just seeking people with the form Godliness but people in whom the power of God is fully permitted for full expression or manifestation.
You don't live rightly because you want to be righteous. However, a righteous man live rightly with God because he is righteous.
"Hen cock because it a hen not because he wants to zealously become one"

When a man Personally know God, sin becomes irritating to him and he (by the new nature) abstain from every filthiness or moral decades that will want to pollute his spirit, soul and body(flesh).He becomes stationed to pleasing God, more conscious of God's WILL and will consciously obey doctrines that promote Godliness and is of good report.

Circumcision of the body is law while faith is the circumcision of the heart.