Meet My Crystals Pt. 2

in #religion8 years ago

Hey! So we're picking up where we left off here: with a Pt. 2 of the crystals I currently own. We had originally finished 1-9, so now we're on to the 10-18.

As stated before, crystals emit certain frequencies that can be helpful with a variety of problems, including health, financial, emotional, spiritual, and internal. Most of my crystals deal with emotional, spiritual, and internal, because that's what I'm most working on in my life.

So without further ado, let's get right into it!

10. Rose quartz

Once I finally bought my Rose Quartz, they quickly became one of my FAVORITES too (secondary to Selenite). Rose Quartz is normally used for self-love, enhancing healthy family, romantic, and friend relationships, enhancing happiness, recalling dreams and helping with dream interpretation, raising self-esteem and enhancing self-care, relieving anxiety and stress, and making it easier to forgive. Generally, it's the stone of love: love for oneself, and love for others. It's a very maternal, peaceful stone. These two are actually yoni gemstone wands, which for simplicity's sake, are basically crystal dildos. The idea is to use sex magick (which I'll go into in another segment) to higher your frequencies and heal sexually through self-love and self care. I've used sex magick with them once when I purchased them and saw a big difference. Now, for the moment I just use them as normal crystals. I take one with me everywhere I go, and the other I sleep with to avoid nightmares. So overall when I'm going to bed I have Selenite, Moonstone, Desert Rose, Amazonite, and Rose Quartz under my pillow, and/or in my palm to help soothe me and keep me safe. I've even had my crystals end up in my dreams when they begin to get nightmarish. That's only happened recently, but it shows me that I'm beginning to really bond with them, and that's exciting.

11. Pietersite

I had been eyeing this crystal for a while at the metaphysical store, but it was a bit pricey so it took me a while to finally get it. What initially drew me to it, other than it's energy, was that it was supposedly good for cancelling the conditioning done to us by outside forces (ie. other people, experiences, etc.). As a sexual and domestic abuse survivor with PTSD, I figured this could be a very, very important stone for me. It's specific uses also include courage and tenacity, spiritual visions and prophecy, channeling divine feminine energy, aiding in astral travel and meditation, and helping with relaxation and peace. Honestly, I still haven't done much work with this stone yet, but I feel that it makes a difference just having in on my altar.

12. Rhodochrosite 


This crystal caught my eye, and it ended up being a great starting point on my journey to getting better. It's a stone of personal growth and building, emphasizing self confidence, life balance, self-love, love in general, happiness, and stress relief. I made it into a pendant, and used to wear it on a necklace with a few other crystals to give me a happy little boost throughout the day. I stopped doing this only because I wanted to keep it on my altar for rituals, and to enhance the energy of my room. Although it's so small and simple, it's a powerful self-love crystal, and it wasn't too expensive.

13. Yellow calcite

Yellow calcite enhances intellect, organizing your thoughts/feeling focused, gaining physical energy and stamina, owning your personal power and self worth, nurturing psychic abilities and powerful meditative states, and raising your intuition. Originally, I bought this crystal and made it into a pendant to be added to a necklace for sell on Etsy. Overtime though, I never actually added it, and a few weeks ago, the crystal kind of just spoke to me (not literally) so I decided to move it to my altar. From there, I decided to add it to a necklace I have for personal wear. It definitely helps with confidence and feeling like you can conquer whatever comes to you, without too much fear or worry. I'd say it's a good stone for projects, test-taking, meetings, and sports. 

14. Orange Calcite

Orange calcite is another one of my FAVORITES. If you've been through rape or sexual trauma, it is a really, really important stone to have. As soon as I got it, I started seeing a difference within myself in the first few weeks. I started really gaining my voice and working through abuse I've suffered head on. I started talking about it more, rather than just assuming it would go away (because it won't). Specifically, Orange Calcite is great for getting over phobias/fears, healing from rapes and breakdowns, keeping you mentally balanced, and helping you to hear and trust your intuition. I used to wear this crystal daily for literally months. It's helped me build myself up a lot. I really recommend it. 

15. Jet

Jet is like my 4th FAVORITE stone (probably in the order of Selenite being number 1, then Rose Quartz, then Orange Calcite, then Jet). When I bought it I was going through a deep depression, and it really helped to lift it. I made it into a necklace with Selenite and Rhodochrosite, and wore it with the Orange Calcite. Everywhere I went, I felt so protected. Specifically, Jet is used for protection against evil, sickness, violence, or psychic attacks, financial protection, removing energy attachments from others (codependency, abuse), gaining spiritual advancement, losing fear and anxiety, losing depression and delusions, gaining inner-growth, and developing self-reliance. This stone helped me end a relationship that was coming into abusive territory, and learn that being by myself wasn't so bad at all. I'd recommend it to anyone suffering severe mental health disorders (anxiety, Bipolar, depression, phobias, OCD) and people in abusive or codependent relationships, or healing from these relationships. It does need regular cleansing, however, because it can absorb a LOT of negative energy on a daily basis. I'd recommend cleansing at least every 3 days when/if you're going through a very rough time and using it often.

16. Amethyst

This is one of my very first crystals. I consider it my baby lol (not literally of course). When I bought this crystal, I bought it for meditative purposes, unaware of how much it can aid with addiction. I've noticed that since I've bought it, I've stopped getting blackout drunk every time I drink. I really don't think that's a coincidence. Usually, Amethyst is the crystal people are most familiar with seeing. It aids with meditation, sobriety, past-life/psychic abilities, and general protection. It's a great stone for using in meditation, as well as cutting out addictions (drugs, alcoholism, sex, food, shopping, etc.) It is great for self-restraint. 

17. Pyrite

This is such an important crystal to have when traveling or in dangerous situations. I keep one in my car at all times, the other is on my altar. On a trip back from San Francisco a few weeks ago with friends, I literally thought we weren't going to make the several hour trip because a) the driver had been drinking, b) he hadn't gotten much sleep, c) I was the only other personal awake in the car and I also was intoxicated and lacking sleep, and we had several long straight stretches of hundreds of miles to go. I had my Selenite and Pyrite with me, and I swear to god, I really feel like it's the only reason we made it home safe! Specifically, Pyrite is for intelligence, mental stability, protection, and good luck and fortune.

18. Tangerine Quartz

Lastly, Tangerine Quartz is one of the first crystals I made into a necklace. It was during a time when I was being featured in a lot of art shows, and I wanted to boost my creativity. I was also working through sexual abuse, so I coupled it with the Orange Calcite. It helps specifically with self-confidence, creative vision, and ending sexual energy blocks. I recommend it for artists, people in artistic professions (marketing, PR, fashion, tech, etc.), or those working through personal sexual issues. 

And there you have it: all the crystals I own. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 

All crystals, except for Selenite, must be cleansed in order for them to work. Cleansing should take place at least once a month depending on the crystal, but probably more often. The more often you work with a crystal, the more cleansing needs to be done. I'll do a segment on crystal cleansing later.

Let me know what you think below.



Hey, cool! I like your collection. I disagree with the idea that stones hold any sort of power, but I thought your post was interesting regardless. Good job!

I have a question. What happens if you sleep on a beach, covered in sand? Since sand is just rock fragments, do you believe it emits frequencies? What about common stones like granite, what sort of frequencies do they emit?

Totally fine that you don't agree. For a long time I didn't believe in crystal energy. To each their own. I'm glad you enjoyed the article regardless :)

As far as your question is concerned, personally I believe that everything emits frequencies based on the energy its come in contact with (walls, trees, air, etc.) so yes, I believe the sand would emit something because everything is always emitting something. It probably wouldn't have a metaphysical element to it, but energy would still be there. Same for granite.
I would assume that it would just continue to emit whatever its come into contact with. I feel like Earth (and the cosmos, and everything) are large balls of energy. Lol.