
These are fairly common 'gotchas' used by atheists. It always makes me ask whether they're consistent in other aspects of their lives. It appears you're an anarchist, so you're a step ahead of most other atheists in your consistency.

My response to these criticisms is that you're missing the forest for the trees. There is a lot of context to these positions. I don't think it would be valuable to debate each and every point, but the easiest one I think to see would be the claim to stone a disobedient child. Thats really not much different than what the government does by locking away people in prison for victimless crimes. Surely you wouldn't think a parent is obligated to care for a lazy and alcoholic child for their entire lives? Stoning might not be what you would think appropriate, but hopefully you can see the need for some sort of separation/banishment.

There's a good book I have read along these lines called Adam & Evil, by The Heyeokah Guru.
Yeah the Bible, like all revealed religions and ideas, usually put forward by some 'great man' go then on to fku up one and all down the generations!

People were to not question the 'Word of God' and if you did you would get tortured and burned alive at the stake.

Alan Watts called the Christians version of dualism 'ultimate dualism' ,meaning that their future belief was the 'evil' as represented by their creation the 'Devil' would be locked up

basically what we have with the 'God' of the Bible is a character projected into the sky of the warrior mindset who envisaged him with -surprise surprise-exactly the patriarchal, misogynist, homophobic, warmongering, and ecocidal thinking of the male myth-makers.
The worrying thing is the hog wash people will believe. A great example of this is the more modern beliefs of the Church of Scientology. EVEN though it is well-known that its founder Ron L Hubbard was a Science Fiction and Fantasy author, yet still people will sacrifice their selves and their families into this crazed cult, even signing billion year contracts FFS!

So why?

This is for other explorations but suffice to say for now, it all comes down to initial divide and control done to people both externally and internally, so much so they become SO unstable the toxic myth-makers can spin any old sht to hook them to their authority

Thank you for your well-thought-out reply. I appreciate your take on it.