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RE: Look around. Are you really fooled this easily?

in #religion8 years ago

That's not evidence though.

That's just stuff that's written down. I could also write down, "And so some of the people questioned the Lord, and the Lord said, "Actually, yeah, I'm just a guy who wanted to start a cult because I think if people believe the things I say, they'll behave better. But they won't even listen to me unless they think I'm a god."


No, it was written down, treasured, reproduced, and distributed church by church all around the mediterranean and used by people who knew the authors and each other. So from the very beginning these eyewitness accounts were shared with other eyewitnesses. Today we have 5600 fragments dating back to a generation that knew the authors. This is how we know we have correct information: massive redundancy. During the first few hundred years you would be killed if caught with one of these documents so there is only one reason to keep, reproduce, and share them. They believed those eyewitnesses.