Look around. Are you really fooled this easily?

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

I'm sorry to say it, but religions are cults, and there is no god.

This sort of thing really should be obvious, but for some reason, people still believe in these sorts of things.
I guess the idea of a heaven is nice, but from my experiences, such a nice ending is quite unrealistic. It's too magical for reality. Reality is dark and horrible. It's painful and filled with nightmares, none of which make sense. Evolved beings that are covered with flesh and hair, inside of which hide pulsing organs filled with sludge and ooze don't go to heaven.

They rot. There is no god or afterlife. This universe is just too nightmarish to have such a thing. You can even ask.
I dare you to just blatantly ask loudly "God, if you exist, please give me a sign".

And then look for a sign that only a god could make. Don't fool yourself with a gentle breeze or a twig falling off a tree or something petty. If these beings are gods, it should be a lot more than just natural occurrences or weather or something mundane. Anything truly miraculous that would actually prove a god is just unrealistic. It won't happen, because that's just not what reality is like. It's sad, but true. Religions are tribal cults, and humans are evolved animals, doomed to die after living a meaningless life.

But these are just my opinions. If you disagree, please say so in the comments. Debate if you want. Get mad.
Passion is an interesting force.



You make these absolute statements with no backup but your personal opinion. The Bible makes its statements with thousands of years of human interactions with God and historically documented "signs" from Him.

But when Jesus was asked by unbelievers to do still more signs, he said:

Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the Law said to Him, “Teacher, we want to see a miraculous sign from you.” He answered, “A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

So he allowed Himself over three days to suffer, be crucified, and buried. Then rose again on the third day and showed himself to hundreds of people over the next month or so.

I'm going with God's evidence, not yours. :)

That's not evidence though.

That's just stuff that's written down. I could also write down, "And so some of the people questioned the Lord, and the Lord said, "Actually, yeah, I'm just a guy who wanted to start a cult because I think if people believe the things I say, they'll behave better. But they won't even listen to me unless they think I'm a god."

No, it was written down, treasured, reproduced, and distributed church by church all around the mediterranean and used by people who knew the authors and each other. So from the very beginning these eyewitness accounts were shared with other eyewitnesses. Today we have 5600 fragments dating back to a generation that knew the authors. This is how we know we have correct information: massive redundancy. During the first few hundred years you would be killed if caught with one of these documents so there is only one reason to keep, reproduce, and share them. They believed those eyewitnesses.

This pile of opinion really depends on what you consider a "god" to be. Is there really a bearded old man who experiences human thoughts and human emotions sitting on a big throne in the clouds, watching everything every human does and having some kind of opinion about it? Probably not.

But are there forces out there that are completely beyond our control, and even our comprehension, that are bigger than we will ever be, and we are completely subject to whatever those forces do in the universe? Sure.

Some people worship money. Some people worship science. Some people worship their countries or governments or other people. It's human nature to find something bigger than you are and to try to be a part of that bigger thing.

Some people are even "religious" atheists. For example, a "non-religious" atheist doesn't believe in God, but doesn't make a big deal about it. You believe X, he believes Y, life goes on. But a "religious" atheist doesn't just believe something. He or she very strongly and very devoutly KNOWS that God does not exist -- has faith in the belief that God doesn't exist, and preaches to everybody who will listen that God does not exist and religion is wrong and that anybody who believes differently than he or she does is wrong and stupid. Essentially, exactly what radically religious people do, just for the religion of atheism instead of an actual religion.

It always makes me wonder why religious atheists spend so much effort trying to prove (to themselves?) that God doesn't exist, so that they can live the way they want (with a clear conscience?)

I understand why Christians share - we are commanded to. But why do atheists share?

"Methinks the atheist doth protest too much" with apologies to Shakespeare

Leave it up to the individual to figure out their own ideas of what it is to be alive, how they relate to the Universe, and the fact that NONE of us will ever agree on everything because nature is about originality, possibly to the atomic level.

Don't follow others' beliefs from a book or from their heart, but let everyone share their ideas openly and freely so we may all learn from and teach one another.

This is my opinion, of course.

Aye, each individual person needs to figure it out for him or herself.
Even though I clearly state there is no god, it should be known to all people that it's possible for anyone to be wrong about anything. I could be wrong, I mean.
But when it comes down to it, I think that religion and god don't really play a big part in our daily lives.

We're busy with our friends, families, jobs, education and other things. Too busy to constantly wonder if we're being judged by a higher being or if we're good enough to be let into some sort of immortal paradise. I think most of us focus on what's happening in real life, rather than in heaven, and that's how it should be. We only get one life on Earth, so religious or not, it's best to use it to have real experiences and feel true emotions that only love, friendship, adventure and discovery bring. Life is simply precious, no matter what you believe.

Best we can do is agree to disagree, and respect each other's opinion, I for one believe, in God, with out believing, God, and justice, do you just think all this dictators, killers, and all of us who each sin, in our on different, ways, with out truly repenting, would just walk, free, no justice, u better think twice.

Since I was about 7 years of age I thought religion was bullshit. Stopped believing in it after asking why in church and all the said was because you must. No thanks.

To be honest, that's not what I always hear.

I think there are some good reasons to believe, besides "you must".
That's the simple answer that a bored adult gives to a child.

But the reality is that there is logic to religion. I don't think it's true, but I don't think that the only reason to believe in a religion is "you must". I just know there's more to it. A desire to know the universe and why it exists and why we are here. Don't you think so too?

I agree 100 percent with you, prophet Adam. P.B.U.H, also question all that u mentioned, at his time must where idol worshippers, and that's what God says if u don't worship, me I point others for u to worship. Take a look around u now, must people are either, idol worshippers, e.g jazz Beyoncé and so on, and others worship money and sucess, I think u get where I'm going with this.

Sorry my bad not prophet Adam it's Prophet IBRAHIM

Asking question is always welcomed in Islam and is a must to give answers, to ur best of knowledge, many Christine convert to Islam, for the same reason as u and get majority of they question, answered, plus there's never a need to confess ur private sins, to any human being, who breath the same air as u, u only confess ur sin to God alone.