Philosophical problems of religion

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

Religion is a worldview and the worldview of man, of his behavior, determined by the belief in the existence of God, with the sense of connected dependence on him, which prescribes to man certain norms of behavior. In the history of Civilization, there has always existed and will continue to exist a vast diversity of religions and religious beliefs that differ both in the concrete understanding of the nature of God, its essential features and peculiarities, the nature of the relationship with the world of man and nature, so and with the roots of people's attitude towards God, religious or ritual practices.

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Typically, two main types of religion are dealt with:
The first are the natural religions that find their gods in one or the other natural forces. They call them ethnic or ethno-national religions because they are closely related to certain peculiarities of a national character, the spiritual culture of the community or the people, with historically formed in custom, traditions, etc.
The second type is the World Religions, which originate from the recognition of the existence of some higher spiritual power that has created both man and the rest of the world.
This universal and all-powerful spiritual power is called the Lord. The number of world religions refers to: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism.
Speaking of religions further, the following major components can be distinguished:

  1. This is the common consciousness of believers (a set of ideas and beliefs), as well as a theoretically systematized part of religion called "theology" or "theology".
  2. Religious activity as a practical spiritual absorption of the world, which includes both cult and external cultures.
  3. The relationships prescribed by religious norms and actions that can be outwardly cult .
  4. Religious institutions and their organizations - mainly the church.

Taken in unity and interaction, all these structural components of religion perform a world-wide interactive function, giving certain explanations of nature, man, society and the world as a whole. Here, religion performs similarly those functions that philosophy has, but along with it it has another function, which is devoid of philosophy, that is the compensatory function. It is still called rescue-compensatory protection. Promises man hope for deliverance from all the torments and disadvantages of everyday life. The communicative-integrative function of religion, which facilitates the communication of people adhering to certain world perceptions, is extremely important. For all religions, a certain degree of role is played by the regulatory function, which gives man certain norms and values ​​of behavior before all ethically. On the other hand, religious beliefs are important, but not in all religions. A particular mission is in Christianity. They often call it a religion of faith. It examines the signs and knowledge that are present in the religious life of the subjects. Faith and knowledge are also categories of philosophy. But in it they are a problem related to the development of the human nature of the character of society. On the one hand there is a characteristic tendency to penetrate each other of philosophical religious ideas, and from others. a deepening conflict of opposition to religion and religious belief on the one hand and between philosophy and science on the other hand. In the cultural life of modern Europe, there are policies in the development of multiculturalism, related to their diverse confessions, different religious beliefs, as the rationalism and tolerant behavior of the European citizen prevail. Agreements and cooperation are at the heart of the existence and spread of religion in democratic and market societies. Religion is a spiritual form of being as philosophy. They are, on the one hand, dogma or doctrine that requires adherence to certain norms and rules of spiritual life and activity. Her future is related to the development of the essence of man and society as a place where people can share and exchange information and knowledge, feelings and predictions about themselves, nature, the world, and God. The contradictions that arise between religion and philosophy can be overcome on the basis not only of reason, thought and knowledge, but also of the foundation of being, which is not only the material and spiritual diversity of all the phenomena that accompany man and people.


Organized religions are usually about power and control. A group mind type of mentality, where dissenting opinions are not tolerated. Being a spiritual individual is much different and often subject to interpretation.

I completely agree

Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!
To talk of immaterial existences is to talk of nothings. To say that the human soul, angels, god, are immaterial, is to say they are nothings, or that there is no god, no angels, no soul. I cannot reason otherwise: but I believe I am supported in my creed of materialism by Locke, Tracy, and Stewart. At what age of the Christian church this heresy of immaterialism, this masked atheism, crept in, I do not know. But heresy it certainly is
But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!
Anyway this might be off-topic but can you have a look at my post and suggest me some ideas i would be glad if you can check it out.

God does not want money nor needed it. Who wants money are those people that runs religions.


This post has received gratitude of 12.23% from @appreciator courtesy of @godflesh!

But to be honest, we all have one creator who doesn't see us differently, for Him we all are same..He sees no boundaries, no beliefs, no color..He just provides us with best of blessings..

all are equal to the eyes of God, important to know this

god is in all things.

I used to be very religious in the sense that I puniah myself for supposedly doing what God doesnt want me to or to condem those that do not follow the laws of God. I reach a point where I realized how twisted the idea is. I began to search for understanding and found philosophy as the best school of thought. Though I now believe in the essence of Buddhsm from Christianity, I continue to live a rather carfefree natural orientation to life and see the world as devoid of really inherent meaning aka I am an existentialist

I think you've alluded to a sweet spot where both religion and philosophy both comingle; however, I believe this is different for each person. One reason for this could be because of the presuppositions we carry with us when we glimpse through the lens of our worldviews. None the less I don't believe that these two systems have to be in conflict with each other. There is a harmonious place where both meet without killing one for the other. I think the very starting point here is whether revelation comes from God, Man or Nature. Essentially is a man able of his own will to traverse the mountains of epistemology. Or does he owe that to God who reveals it to him? Whatever our foundations, that is the direction I believe we will gravitate towards.