Agree, but what we are referring to is not a feminine goddess. We are referring to the Blessed Virgin Mother of God of the word made flesh. We worship the One true living God in the Blessed Trinity and we pray to the mother of God for her intercession and we honor her. The Catholic Church are the only ones to venerate the mother of God and the Freemasons who are the enemies of Christ have waged war on the Catholic Church not on any other.
The Freemasons number 1 enemy has always been the Catholic Church. the Catholic Church is the one true Church of Christ outside of which there is no salvation!!! the Freemasons successfully infiltrated the church in 1959. now the true Church is underground. do your research
one of the Alta Vendita chiefs who, in 1822, proclaimed:
With Tigrotto also the anti-Catholic plan is expressed thus:
"The fight taking place between Catholicism and Freemasonry is a fight to the very death, ceaseless and merciless." (Bulletin of the Grand Orient of France P. 183. 1892 and in memorandum of the Supreme Council No. 85, page 48. )
Rememember all that is necessary for Satan to deceive one is to give 99% truth and 1%lie.
Amen! Catholics do not worship Mary. We revere her. God bless you, lost.identity. It is an easy misinterpretation of the devotion Catholics have to her. There are some fanatical Catholics whose example have, perhaps, fueled this misunderstanding.