The Artificial Israel & The fact-checkers who get suppressed by mass-media, banks and government Part 1

in #religion8 years ago

In 1948 the world was in a state of post-war confusion, so the United Nations rushed ahead and declared the state of Israel and gave the power to rule the land to eastern european and american converts, or "born again jews" as they would be called if the religion was evangelical christianity.

Accusation: Identity theft & Title fraud

One of the first conflicts came from the Arabs who said: "The Jews escaped through the dead-sea valley (where the dead-sea scrolls have been found) and back into Africa where they had originally come from, down the Nile to the coast and settled in Eritrea, Somalia and that region where they still dwell until this day"

Another controversy that arose from these types of conversations also came from arabs who consider the (real) jews their half brothers/family from Abraham their common forefather. and they said:

You (the jews) left Israel as black men and women, but when you came back - your skin had turned white (Arabic common saying)

....Then the Black African Americans found out about this a few years ago and went out on the streets

And since then the debates has raged in all medias, except mainstream medias. These questions and these topics are on the NO-NO-LIST and simply bringing them up to a rational debate cause the Pro-Israel censorship community to go completely bananas as we have seen them actively reporting and speaking against this NO-NO-SUBJECT as being antisemitic, hate-speeches and all kinds of slander trying to suppress fact-checkers from digging deeper into the subject.

Why are fact-checkers suppressed from digging into this subject by mass-media?

Thank you for reading - Now do some fact-checking and leave a comment below :)


I think in all honesty most Jews don't know what to make of it all. In Israel there are a lot of black Jews, from Ethiopia mostly if my recollection is correct. Tons from Morocco and Europe. All I can say from my experience with them is that they all, regardless of where they came from and the colour of their skin, universally hate the "elite" rich Zionist Jews who a) were not affected by the holocaust and even profited from it b) flee Israel the moment there is a threat of war c) are generally parasites on all levels. Even those who don't know the NWO by its name know that they hate those who represent it.

Most Jews who are of European descent and arrived after WW2 have no idea as to why they are Jews and how their lineage became such. They know that their family may have upheld Jewish traditions or practised the faith, typically at least a generation ago, and that their birth certificate says "Jew". Some can trace their family lines back a few hundred years, to Spain for example. That's about it.

I think you are 100 % right, I have observed the same origin/identity-confusion when talking with Israelis in Israel.

I think it's important to note that becoming a Jew is not something anyone can just do on a whim. Unlike Christianity and Islam where you basically just need to agree and presto you're a member of the religion. Judaism is snobbish AF. If you want to join the Jewish religion, you need to work hard through a process called "Giur". And losing your foreskin is just the beginning.

excellent post thanks for sharing valuable material congratulations

Wow that is something we don't see everyday. Thanks for sharing.

I learned something outside my normal area of curiosity today and for this, you have my utmost gratitude. Learning about the existence of "The International Jew" by Henry Ford was interesting too.

glad to spread knowledge :) It is important for the next generations of humans.

talking of knowledge and jews I watched this amazing film last night which I feel should really be seen by all !! Here it is ! The post is poor but the content namely this film no doubt taken from Youtube ia an eye opener and will make anyone think !!

Thanks fyrstikken for posting about this very important and very overlooked issue.
As a truth seeker who has been researching this issue for the pass 6 months, I must say that there is compiling evidence to suggest that the true historical Israelites are in fact blacks from some areas of Africa and blacks who current reside in the americas and not the European descendant peoples who that currently claim this lineage. Additionally, it is probable that following the subject will lead to some very interesting and concerning questions regarding the very root of the NWO movement.

for sure these questions will not disappear from the earth, they will just multiply in power and concrete answer-seeking requests.

Your a wise man.

I look forward to it. It's time that humanity stop swinging punches in the dark trying to fight for freedom.

One comment, it is unfortunate that you chose the guys from the Black Israelites to deliver part of this message in the blog. Though they may be correct on this front, IMO, that organization has major negatives (racism) that invalidate the Net good they do in spreading this information.
Here are some interesting independent perspectives on this issue from our brothers- black, white and "Jewish".:


my big question:
Why does this matter?

@faddat because it does.