in #religion7 years ago

Jesus asked the Pharisees, "What think ye of Christ?" Mt. 22:42. What do you think?

Jesus is not sentimental, superstitious, or sanctimonious. He is a robust hero and a noble Champion.

Jesus was non-violent. Is 53:9. Jesus always had perfect control and mastery of Himself.

According to Is. 42:4 Jesus was never discouraged.

Christ is like a giant spiritual beacon, casting His beams of hope out over the thrashing sea of life unto us wayfaring sailors.

Jesus is the only thing that can cure and satisfy the sin-sick soul.

Jesus has always been the same throughout all ages — to Adam, Enoch, Shem, Moses, David, Peter, Paul and now to you and me.

Jesus stands tall and serene as the Central Figure of all human history. Everything in the universe revolves around Christ.

Jesus said, “All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth.” Mt. 28:18. Thus, He is the Almighty.

Oh, let us stay delighted with Christ all the time!