There's a lot of questions we all have. Questions that have been unanswered for years.. Hundred year old questions.
On that final day, when I see him... I'd say "nice job, but you got a lot to answer"
"Why did it take this long for your son to come back?"
"Why did you let a lot of good people die?"
"Why didn't you answer when I prayed to you?"
"Why did you let my sister die at 5?"
"Why did you let Eve eat that apple?"
"Why did you let the world wars happen"?
I got plenty more, but start by answering these.
Happy Sunday!!!
Great questions esther-may. You can start asking Him before you die, with a sincere heart, and seek these things out in His word prayerfully.
Have you take into account the factor of free-will and predestination?
Nice questions you have there esther. and am sure there are many more that you can ask him