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in #religion9 years ago

Thank you for ur reply and ur concern and ur wright Islam comes the 2 u mentioned, how ever Judaism= Torah and the bible, was changed by men, and the text was manipulated, that's why God, send his final messenger to complete the teachings of God. If you listen to the video u would understand the point.


I have proved to you beyond a shadow of doubt, from secular archeologists, that the Torah has not been changed. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls proved that the Scriptures that Jesus endorsed as infallible had not changed at all from 200 BC to 1947 AD. Over 2000 years and no changes!

This is very embarrassing for Muhammad, because it proves that it was he that changed his teachings away from the historical truth of the Bible, now proven archeologically from documents sealed in caves 900 years before he was born.

How can a true prophet make such mistakes?

All religions are manipulated by man, because as time passes our need change and so do our beliefs.
So we manipulate everything to suit our current needs including religion.

If this wasn't the case there would not be an estimated 4200 religions and many more versions of each religion:

But please understand these are just my personal thought, and everyone else is absolutely entitled to their own.

Thank you for ur reply ur 100% wright God gave us the freedom to chose what we want and u are entitled to ur opinion, what u touched upon is the mistakes of humanity and not God, with such freedom man started to create many things including false religion and began to mislead others, there's only one true God and his message was one message, u see as Muslims we believe in the Torah and the the bible but the original message which was changed by man and that's why God send his final messenger to confirm the TRUETH, not only that but also God said he will protect the Quran from being changed by man.

Prove it!

Prof what?

you should try critical thinking. you can't prove anything. religion is bad for you. all I see is people pointing fingers and going to wars and die. Its just brainwashing to control you, just like any other media. and thats a fact. ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE

Ok thank you for ur opinion, if u want scientific facts. Based on evidence, why Quran is the words of God, then view my blog #cryptosteem. And watch the videos, there, or go to YouTube and search for Islam and science, u will be amazed.