in #religion9 years ago (edited)


To all those who hate the truth will hate Islam, based on personal propaganda not to mention hidden agenda and Islamphobia, generated and supported by, western. Government and Centralised Main Stream Media, and the false teaching hidden agendas of all the Christian, hate Priests who pocket Millons of dollars, not to mention they, " A LIST LIFE STYLE"

I will List all the major players waging "WAR ON ISLAM" the very same people who must of you hate but yet support when it comes to "ISLAM"

  • bold>ZIONEST
  • All those named above have one thing in common to miss lead the masses who blindle follow and believe, this hating groups only to fuel the burning flame of hate all directed to "1.8 BILLIONS INNOCENT MUSLIMS" I KNOW THIS POST WILL GET A LOT OF DOWN VOTE BECAUS THE TRUETH IS ALWAYS UNDER VALUED, SPECIALY IN THIS PLATFORM FULL OF ANARCHIST,

    Like All the Messengers of "GOD" all of them have been prosecuted of spreading the message of TRUETH, not to forget Prophet "JESUS P.B.U.H" so all the haters can continue to hate as I continue to spread the "MESSAGE of peace and the MESSAGE of TRUETH, Regardless of the struggles and the hate I shall continue to receive.


    Okay so I am going to Flag this post, but wanted to tell you why first:
    1.) Your English (translation) is absolutely horrid
    2.) Your Grammer is just as bad
    3.) Islam is not now, nor has it ever been, a religion of peace and it needs to be exterminated from this planet. Note I said the religion, not the people!

    Thank you for ur input I know my English ang grammar sucks, as for Islam it's more than a religion of peace, it's stand for total submission to all mighty God and will never be exterminated, I hope God guides u to the one and only true religion that will be accepted by God, after his final messenger. Prophet "MUHAMMAD" P.B.U.H,

    The truth will prevailed itself no matter how many wanted to eliminate it

    I really hope you are trolling or trying #sarcasm cause if you are serious I feel sorry for you!

    It is the same old argument you are presenting but just checked the facts how many millions of people killed in last 100 years and by whom?

    My money is on MUSLIMS topping that list for the deadliest Religion in the last 100 years....hell maybe even the last 2,000 years.

    My friend I hope u don't die to regret not bowing the TRUETH all I ask of u as ur brother, in humanity is learn about ISLAM for ur self and not the sources I have listed above, they want ur down fall and keep u in the dark, the TRUETH shall set u free, knowledge is power don't be afraid to learn by ur own.

    100 % agree my brother in faith....

    Proof with statistics.......if you are not blind then you can see it......otherwise when you go in your grave then the whole reality will open ....

    Thank you my brother, in the future if u want to post any, post related to Islam, make sure u tag me, using #islam-cryptosteem

    guys get real, God does not exist.
    Is like believing in Super Man, Galactus, Silver Surfer, Hulk
    jesus was a great guy, follow his example not Mohamed that guy was crazy.

    Interesting post. Following and upvoted. :)