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RE: Dissing God

in #religion8 years ago

I was an atheist / agnostic for most of my life until I gave a serious hearing to christian philosophers and scientists such as Dr. Lennox and William Lane Craig. Then I read the bible from cover to cover. At age 30, I've made a great 180 degree and gave my life to Jesus Christ because of the cosmological, historical, moral, existential and scientific base on which it stands.

Today, I do not see what atheism has to offer. If it is true, there is no purpose, no meaning or value to life. Existence become a big joke, ethics is destroyed, morality becomes relative and civilization stands at a great precipice where our fellow humans are nothing more than cattle.


Exactly. And we all see what the world is becoming as more and more people turn away from Jesus. I'm afraid the warp core is about to blow...