What I realized we are missing in human history

in #religion7 years ago

The Tibetan Book of the Dead, Emerald Tablets of Thoth, Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Earth Chronicles. These are 4 books that I've found researching the history of our human race. I'm still learning as I'm going because this is a topic that interests my soul. I want to know where we came from. I want to know what did the people of these ancient civilizations know that we didn't? Egyptians, Aztecs, Mayan, Greek, Roman, Incan, Sumerian, and Hebrews all had gods; they believe in entities that had supernatural powers. Now let's just say that they weren't making stuff up and writing a book down of made up entities. Let's say that maybe, just maybe what they saw and were writing down was in fact true! What would a logical explanation be to all of this. I've looked into a little bit about the history of Atlantis, the history of 3 days of darkness as speculated by multiple cultures, the history of a major flood that occurred (possibly after the ice age that occurred 10,000+ years ago) I believe something happened and something is missing. I personally believe that we have gone down in consciousness and we have lost compassion & empathy for each other. Would make sense why we are always fighting wars and destroying our planet. We do not care about the planet, it's animals that coexist with us, or even ourselves at times. We kill millions of animals so we can eat them. Ever wonder why people are getting major diseases or illnesses? It's the mass slaughter of cows, pigs, and chickens that still get processed... some are sick, some are dead but we keep eating them. We are hurting ourselves and our planet we must find the truth to our human history and help us unite with our planet just like my ancestors the native Americans did.

  • Old Cree Prophecy: "Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught, and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money."
