@jaketohuman Scripture comes alive there. Best to experience the people and Land to have a better understanding. The world is so quick to judge and condemn based on what the lies the media feed us
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@jaketohuman Scripture comes alive there. Best to experience the people and Land to have a better understanding. The world is so quick to judge and condemn based on what the lies the media feed us
Its unfortunate the agendas pushed through the Media. We don't all buy into their fables.
@jaketohuman They do push agendas but it is not just the Media. They push it through television shows, movies and music to name a few. It is great that you do not buy into it. Keep strong!
@buckaroo (love the name) The main stream media puts such a spin on the truth or they make up what they want people to believe. It does seem like some people eat it up every lie told by MSM. It is the world we live in. Some of us have learned that the MSM is full of lies and do not even rely on them for information. We have always told people to never take anyone's word for anything, always do your own research.
Thank you and I couldn't agree more. We really have to test EVERYTHING and learn for ourselves. It's just sad how gullible people are. Why aren't there more people questioning and challenging the status quo? I guess that's why you chose your very apt name! I recently posted this on a rather controversial subject, although based on our own sad personal situation
It is sad how gullible people are. In my opinion society does not question anything because they are programmed not to. Think about it, most are taught as a child not to question their parents (authority), it carries over to adulthood for many. I read your article and my heart breaks for you and your family. We (TBL is a team) both have seen autism and know what it can do to families. We published an article about the CDC worker that went missing and later found dead and mentioned that vaccinations cause autism... in my experience people do not want to hear that nor do they believe that . Since you know this to be fact you might be interested in this movie (I will leave the youtube trailer below for you). Robert De Niro made this movie to bring awareness because his child is now autistic because of the vaccine. I truly wish you luck with what you are dealing with, I know how challenging it can be.
Thank you so much for your response. We know (and recommend) this movie.
You are welcome, I have really enjoyed talking with you. So glad you already knew about that movie.