Luke 6 : 27-30 - Love for Enemies

in #religion7 years ago
But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.

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Normally an enemy is made when he or she has done something bad to you. We consider to 'hate' such a person. Or that is what we do. Even if we are the most religious type of person, there is always the one person that does not do it for you.

But you tend to forget that person somehow. Like if he was a friend, and not anymore. Or if it was something the person did, and you did not like it. It all plays a role to build up hate towards something or someone. And we want to forget those things or people, because they just bring a lot of negativity into our lives. 

But what if we blame it all on ourselves?

Something we must think about... Why do we continue to hate but the Bible tells us different. We should take a second and think to ourselves why do we hate. Is it jealousy or do we just like to be nasty? But enemies are enemies for a reason, they might be jealous, or they might be distracted by you. 

Hate is built up by something that happened, but sometimes it is good to just let it go. We do not need the negativity in our lives neither do we need enemies. Enemies are there to distract us from achieving what we want or they block us, because now our minds are focused and distracted by them.

Some of us gets motivated by our enemies, and we strive to show the people who we are and want to prove them wrong. But that's is just how life works. Our enemies are just more barriers to get over, we just have to get our minds set on the things we do to block out the distractions.

Do not look down on your enemies, because you are just as bad then, do not criticize them, but the Bible says feed them give them something to criticize about. But love them, because they can help you become a better person. 

We may encounter people that we do not get along with, and sometimes we consider them enemies. But we must remember that they are people too. Our biggest enemy is Satan, and he tries in a lot of different methods to win us over, and we must stand against him when he tries to let us commit sins. We must help each other, love one another and strive to bring the followers of God together to withstand the devil.


Hate is such a strong word and takes so much energy. We are better to love.

Thank you @cecicastor, aprreciate the kind words.

Amazing articles.

Thank you @ansarmehmood!

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