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RE: The evolution of Adam - The biological purpose of death.

in #religion7 years ago

Hello friends...
I found this post in "trends" and I was struck by the topic they deal with. After reading for a while, I concluded that in order to understand the purpose of the topic I should read the previous posts, and I have done so.
I want to clarify that I do not pretend to be theologian or anything like that, so what I write here is only my humble opinion of what I have learned and read from and in the bible. From the book of Genesis to the Apocalypse, we can note the existence of a thread that unites or interweaves each verse, every prophecy, every principle or law, as well as every theme there narrated and every spiritual truth expressed; this thread is what constitutes the eternal purpose of God revealed in Christ Jesus. That is, the purpose of God is in creation and redemption. There was an Adam who represents humanity and if he had never sinned and would not have had to leave Eden, we would not be discussing this issue today, nor any other that would allow us to question and decide whether or not we believe.
Now the point is that Adam sinned and lost all the privileges God had bestowed upon him, but since God's purpose is eternal and the desire of his heart is that man, his ultimate creation, be able to dwell eternally with Him, justice gave man the ability to choose, what we call "free will." In other words, God's desire is for man to dwell eternally with Him, but it must be a voluntary act and not an imposition. That is why, just as there was a first Adam, through whom the separation from God occurred, second type of Adam represented in Jesus Christ is the reunification of man and God, is the bridge that eliminates that separation. As Adam represents the created humanity, Christ represents the new spiritual humanity.
Thanks for this opportunity.