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RE: Look around. Are you really fooled this easily?

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

This pile of opinion really depends on what you consider a "god" to be. Is there really a bearded old man who experiences human thoughts and human emotions sitting on a big throne in the clouds, watching everything every human does and having some kind of opinion about it? Probably not.

But are there forces out there that are completely beyond our control, and even our comprehension, that are bigger than we will ever be, and we are completely subject to whatever those forces do in the universe? Sure.

Some people worship money. Some people worship science. Some people worship their countries or governments or other people. It's human nature to find something bigger than you are and to try to be a part of that bigger thing.

Some people are even "religious" atheists. For example, a "non-religious" atheist doesn't believe in God, but doesn't make a big deal about it. You believe X, he believes Y, life goes on. But a "religious" atheist doesn't just believe something. He or she very strongly and very devoutly KNOWS that God does not exist -- has faith in the belief that God doesn't exist, and preaches to everybody who will listen that God does not exist and religion is wrong and that anybody who believes differently than he or she does is wrong and stupid. Essentially, exactly what radically religious people do, just for the religion of atheism instead of an actual religion.


It always makes me wonder why religious atheists spend so much effort trying to prove (to themselves?) that God doesn't exist, so that they can live the way they want (with a clear conscience?)

I understand why Christians share - we are commanded to. But why do atheists share?

"Methinks the atheist doth protest too much" with apologies to Shakespeare