Almighty God is in the battle for Our Republic

in #releasethevideos7 years ago

 For those who believe in the “Righteousness of Almighty God” please consider; the possibility that - in spite of HRC and her cronies - Donald J. Trump is now kicking but as president of the United States! 

 It is my hope and prayer that EVERYONE will read this and share with their friends! Please research any of the following…   

1. Clinton foundation in Haiti. 

2. Benghazi cover up 

3. Pizzagate (you will need a strong stomach for this)! 

4. DNC tampering with democratic primary to nominate HRC over Bernie. Probable National election tampering as well. 

This is not about Republican or Democrat or whether you voted for Hillary or Trump. This is about American Freedom and Truth! All I ask is that you search for yourselves.   

All the information is available via the Internet and I am of the opinion if this information could be proven as false the persons publishing it would have already been destroyed in a court of law! Unfortunately, a court of law is the last place these criminals want this information made available to the public. (use your common sense). 

Besides with their cronies and accomplices it is much easier to cover their crimes up and hide behind more lies and false charges against others. Sadly our once great institution of free press and news is now controlled by the very same individuals who would destroy us. Make no mistake about it this is a war of the minds and I do not intend to go down without a fight. 

Please pray for our country and trust in God Almighty! (2 Chronicles 7:14)

A final point of thought the Russian Collusion investigation of Trump has been going on for over a year and YET… NO CHARGES against the President of the United States have been filed! I am of the opinion that ALMIGHTY GOD stopped Hillary from becoming president to Save the USA and World. Please stand with me and demand we get the truth from our Government! These will be tough times ahead but necessary for our children and grandchildren,