6 Tips for Your Mind Relax

in #relaxing7 years ago (edited)

Here are 8 Relaxation tips to help you look after your well being when you are stressed, busy or worried.

  1. Take a break.
    Take some time away from your normal routines or thoughts. Read a book or a magazine, even if it;s only for a few minutes. Run yourself a bath. Watch a film. Play with your pet. Chop some vegetables and cook a meal.

  2. Focus on your breathing.
    Learning to breathe more deeply can make you fell a lot calmer and increase your sense of wellbeing. Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. Try to keep your shoulders down and relaxed. Place your hand on your stomach. It should rise as you breathe in and fall as you breathe out. Try counting as your breath - start by counting to 4 as your breath in and 4 as you breathe out, then work out what is comfortable for you

  3. Listen to music.
    Listen to your favorite songs. Turn it up and dance or sing alone or put your headphones on and closed your eyes. Really listen to the music. Can you pick out different instruments? Can you hear a drum beat or a certain rhythm? Let yourself focus on the music, and let other thoughts drift away.

  4. Picture yourself in relaxing place thing of somewhere relaxing and peaceful.

You might choose a memory of somewhere you've been or a place you have imagined. Close your eyes and think about the details of this place. What does it look like? What kind of colors and shapes can you see? Can you hear any sounds? Is it warm or cool? Let you mind drift and your body relax.

  1. Use a guided relaxation exercise.
    Guided relaxation or meditation exercises are widely available and lots of them are free to use.You can search online looking for an app to download or see if your local library has any books or CDs. Have a look for local meditation or relaxation classes - you could try your local mind or use an internet search engine.

  2. Get creative.
    Getting in touch with your artistic side can help you feel more calm and relaxed. Try Painting, drawing, making crafts, playing a musical instrument, dancing, baking or sewing. Try not to worry too much about the finished product and focus on enjoying yourself.