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RE: Millennials are undateable

in #relationships7 years ago (edited)

What a crappy and overly wrong article.
People and their triggers... it's always the same. Instead of seeing triggers as they are (truth that our ego has a hard time accepting), they blame the people that trigger them.
No sir, it doesn't work that way.
We, millennials, trigger you. We show you what is wrong with the world. We show you what your generation did wrong and what you messed up. We also said stop to those that still think that society can dictate us what to do and how to behave. We are the generation that started thinking for ourselves instead of copying what has been done for ages. We claimed our freedom and stopped our society from staying on the wrong path.
And that triggers you. Because you never had the balls to fight for you. You followed the mass, the sheeple and it obviously did you no good. And now we trigger you. Because we don't make your mistakes. We decided to create a different path than the one you obediently and without thinking followed.

But it's so much easier to blame those that trigger you. It's much easier to call us names and pretend like we are the lazy, bad ones than it is to open your eyes and look at yourself.
I understand, it's hard to see that your generation messed up. It's hard to see that it was actually you that was weak for so long, because you let others decide how to live your life. And it's hard to see that the new generation claims the freedom that you secretly wanted for all that time.
But it's not our fault. It's not us who should be blamed.
Instead of making us the bad guys, you should be happy. You helped creating a generation that is no longer a slave of our society. You worked so hard on helping humanity make a big jump towards a better future.
Thank you sir, for all your hard work.
And I'm sorry we trigger you. Because we are succeeding in that what your generation was too weak to do: break free.


Actually, you don't trigger me. You sadden me.. You and your generation has broken free? From what? from being happy? I don't know if you have noticed, but people have become more unhappy with the decade. Congratulations that you have broken free!

No our generation has broken free from the rules set for us by the previous generation. This younger generation is set to be who we want to be and do what we want to do this generation is set on truly following their hearts.

Indeed, realdurt. We don't feel the need to follow ridiculous rules made up by something that doesn't even exist (i.e. society).

But you're right, ericvanhouten. Not every one in our generation is free already. But then again... we were raised by your generation. And you guys messed us up pretty badly, just like the generation before you messed you up.
But luckily there's light at the end of the tunnel. The generation after us will be even more free than we are, because they finally have a decent example.

It's funny how everybody assumes my generation. Your generation is free already. No one is forced to go back in time and adapt to old fashion 'rules' or traditions. We are completely free to do what we want to do. But women have decided to externalize problems by blaming men while women is the most privileged group in western society. Men have decided to become feminized and weak and women have decided to become promiscuous and arrogant. Men don't like arrogant, promiscuous women. And women don't like weak men. I am not saying that we must force rules on anybody. I'm just saying that we use the freedom wrongly and that is the reason why so many people are lonely, depressed, and unable to commit to long term relationships. If you want to become 40 and be alone and only have casual sexual encounters, then go for it.