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RE: Dumb comments on hive blog

in #relationships4 years ago

You’re a thief and let’s be honest, I’ve known you since college when you were playing straight and taking my dick on the regular. You have lied and cheated on every girl you have dated since I have known you....I know this because I was your best friend side line piece of dick through them all. You are the last person in the world that should be giving this advice to anyone and let’s be honest.....the same shit you’re telling people that it’s based on someone else’s insecurity is exactly the shit you were doing because you were too afraid to be yourself and it was easier to cheat and fuck who you wanted but to have someone sitting at home wiping your ass for you when you got done. You are seriously one of the most unfaithful and untrustworthy people I’ve ever known and here you are posting your two cents on relationships. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a fucking duck ladies and gentlemen 99 percent of the time. Don’t do like this poor bastards victims and waste most of your young trying to figure out the lies ans the bullshit...drop the fucking duck and find a real man that knows who he is and what he wants. If someone respects you the way you respect them, you won’t be here reading this dipshits post about something that is only self serving to his own downfalls in life and his own insecurities


🤣 meth addicted loser ..keep posting lies and I'll give the police all the info they need to get you a bf, nasty ugly fool that I begged to take me home...should've reported kidnapping... Sick...wth child porn on your computer. That of course I have to report. Sorry. Good luck. I have never ever or will ever have interest in you Todd Michael Hale of Dawson Springs... I don't need to post your addy...police have it .... Now you have a reason to be paranoid and looking out windows freak! Disgusting.... 🤮. Furthermore I never cared to be around you in college nor did your friends well your gal-pals I took the liberty....nevermind....regardless they all, seriously every single one talked about you behind your back hence why they're no longer your friends ...a few ARE on MY friends list haha the irony. Then nobody wants you...especially not I, I'm not homophobic but sorry Im not going to stop being straight on anyone's account so...BS and lol have fun with all that. But probably just be lying to your cellmate. Maybe you will grow up a little while you do your stint. Regardless I haven't time nor the energy for this none sense but it is my responsibility as a parent to inform authorities of your sickness. I do pray you will find God otherwise God will find you. Ciao