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RE: Monogamy is a lie!

in #relationships8 years ago

What is the lie? What is being imposed on you? Sorry, not seeing it. Nothing wrong with monogamy if that is what you and the one you are with want. Nothing wrong with polyamory if that is what you and the ones you are with want.


Of course nothing is imposed on you ... as long as you dont mind doing jail time when you will get caught living with two wives ...

(yes, i mean some states of "land of the free" ... but not free from Victorian era prudishness)

(and to add insult to injury ... even if you do not officially marry anybody ... just living long enough under one roof might make law treat you like married anyway ... unless you do extra legalwork ... isnt that awesome!)

(and want to bet how quickly children would be taken away form parents after first "helpful tip to Child Protective Services" ... shudder)

I am not gonna mention how this situation wrecks havoc with ability of polyamorous families deal with medical and financial situations ... because that would deserve own rant of epic proportions.

"Nothing being imposed?" - would be good joke if not so cruel.

Black and Homosexual movements were all up in arms and demonstrating over orders of magnitude lesser infractions on ability to live their own livestyle.

I think you are confusing polyamory with polygamy.

And you see nothing wrong with disallowing polyamorous relationships to practice polygamy and raising kids?

"I dont mind couples practicing monogamous love, they are free to do as they prefer ... as long as they are forbidden from marrying and raising the family."

Such a freedom!

Exactly ! I agree @jsteck . Do what works best for your relationship and fullfillment @crazynotned
If monogamy makes you miserable you probably will attrackt a partner who thinks like you anyways. Good luck ! I never felt the urge to have sex with somebody else other than the one I truly love and respect. Why would I want to break a deep soul connection in exchange of physical pleasure? If you are in a mature relationship you will find ways to keep it interesting.

You assume you cant love and respect more than one person.
Feel free to "no true scotsman" out of that one to your heart delight.

I do not assume anything for anybody. I actually know myself very well and can love bigger than you could even imagine . I respect many but that doesn't mean I have to fuck everybody especially if I made a commitment to walk through periods in life with one only . I am the first who let it be , if it doesn't work out but it would be too confusing to have too many hormonal driven men around me . I could deal with more women if they would inspire me enough and do the laundry ( just kidding )

"I do not assume anything for anybody" ... aaand then assumes about powers of my imagination in next sentence...

... and not gonna point out all those straw-men that were thrown my way, because i'm afraid of hay fire ...