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RE: Monogamy is an Evolutionary Strategy

in #relationships8 years ago (edited)

I must say this article uses many stereotypes taken from animal world and from evolutionary POV. I must disagree, specifically the part about alpha/beta males seems to be quite artificial. I don't deny there might be such a cases, still it's a bit harsh generalization IMHO. The idea that beta males raises alfa males offsprings makes me laugh. Again, there might be such a cases but it doesn't make it rule or principle. People see logic in your thoughts but it's easy to come with many models and theories that has some internal logic. I'd rather see decision based on individual preferences and individual strategies and perspectives rather than some evolution bondage. Your model could fit to (certain) animals quite well but there is no reason to simplify human to those animals.


The idea that beta males raises alfa males offsprings makes me laugh.

How many men you think are shacking up with some woman who has kids from another man, or paying alimony and child-support to a woman who is also raising the kids from another man? Certainly not just a few. Of course the incidence is less now with Western women starting birth control bills from age 16 and birth rates so drastically lower.

If you think alpha-males don't exist, then you live a sheltered life. Do you not see Donald Trump on TV? (even if you hate his politics, you can't deny that he has a steady supply of new younger women in his life, and those are just ones we know about)

We are animals.

I don't see how what I wrote is inconsistent with individual preferences. Since we have big brains, we can have an evolutionary impact with our creations and cultural impact for example. Hereditary impact is not the only facet. Remember I wrote in my blog post that I couldn't possibly cover every facet in a short blog post. It is a very deep, complex topic.

I think we see many alpha-males making their evolutionary impact with their accomplishments, more than their offspring, e.g. Bill Gates who may have had a big impact in Africa's evolutionary trajectory, although I haven't studied this in detail. Probably some key players in China are having a greater impact on Africa, but I am not sure.

Sorry, cannot see any strong indicator that beta males take care of alpha males children in general. Mostly rich alfa males pay for theirs children and I consider that as taking care for their children under given circumstances. In this case the other man just takes care of the abandoned woman. But this it would be rather just playing with words. Let's say there are all kinds of scenarios, some of them pretty mixed. We can see all kinds various patterns here.

Let's focus on your statement - We are animal. Having body doesn't make you animal. Having legs doesn't make you chair. People have much more potential than animals in this. But yes, when you put strong belief into evolutionary mechanism your life will probably follow that model. If you decide to follow another model, you can. In other words, if you are able to strongly indoctrinate people with the idea that carnal evolutionary strategy is our only destiny then they will follow that model. And, yeah, congrats, you were able to reduce people almost to animals. For example I live under different kind of belief and strategy and many people I know as well. But yeah, it was difficult to go this way because outside pressure was very strong specifically in certain age. But now I see it was just strong indoctrination of that kind, ignorance and laziness, nothing more. I'm not questioning statistics here (most of the word is really living according to what you've described) but it's just description of a state not a principle. It's up to each of us which model we want live and yes, it takes always an extra effort and energy to transit from one state to another.

Mostly rich alfa males pay for theirs children

It is all the children of those visible alpha-males you don't know about, and all the alpha-males which aren't visible. Do you think public personalities don't cultivate the image that they want you to believe. I think you are naive.

Also, you seem to have missed my point that the bad boys are often "fake" alpha-males. Women's hindbrains seem to be instinctively tuned to be impregnated by these indicators, which fool them into thinking these "bad boys" are alpha-males. And to some extent, that makes them alpha-males in the sense that expend their time and effort being superior to other men in terms of producing offspring yet also typically very unproductive for society in any other metric (c.f. my reply to @neilstrauss). You could read for example James A. Donald's blog post about a female attorney who has been fucking bad boys all her life and is now age 30-something and running out-of-options (because her hindbrain fooled her). Or other women who divorce their subservient husbands, destroying the children.

I have an ex with 3 more children from afaik 3 different men, for example. And I pay her monthly, because the government in the USA will revoke my passport if I don't. I'd probably pay her something any way, but I wouldn't have been paying the $1000s per month she was demanding (requesting) from me during past years (which I no longer pay). And I empathize with her inability to remain productive and choose more wisely. At least now I understand why she couldn't (and her 40s are approaching so it is winding down).

P.S. I've been at different times of my life a "bad boy" and a very productive entrepreneurial software developer. So I speak from my experiences.

To me, all life consequences are based on perspective from where you're doing your decisions. If you evaluate everything by worldly ways (carnal or hindbrain if you wish) consequences are usually bad in long-term (regardless if you are alpha or beta male or female). That is what distinguishes us from animal, we have freedom not to follow "the animal" inside. When I made decisions based on natural way of thiking I was always in trouble, sooner or later (and I did many of them). But when I was trying to made decisions from higher (faith) perspective (fighting natural world-view and my carnal side) although it was hard fight, I made much better long-term decisions for me and people around. When you are able to influence your wife with your example and integrity in this, her hindbrain can be silenced for her. Its up to everyone when he/she decides to follow better (or you can say Godly) ways. Like the female attorney you mentioned. Now she knows her hindbrain fooled her and she only devastated her life (and maybe some other) and she will not (hopefully) listen it anymore and will try to live by better principles. She found that by hard way. That's not necessary but unfortunately very often case. Everyone of us is stupid and proud in certain age, sad thing is when we don't recognize it and leave it. In a broader picture everything is just a way back to God. So perception of monogamy depends mainly on your perspective, for a human with an animal/carnal mind it's practically impossible, for human with a spiritual mind, nothing can be more natural. I experienced both of these states.