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RE: Monogamy is a lie!

in #relationships8 years ago

I see some contradictions in what you say, the most clear for me is that you first take one argument to say something then you destroy that argument that is supposed to support your point. See:

  • "Just like gays have a right to express love to whom they choose, I am of the opinion that people who do not find monogamy part of an ideal relationship goal, be allowed to set the rules that suites them"
  • "human monogamy will forever remain what it is- a LIE!"

Monogamy is not a lie for me and for most of people. Perhaps it is a lie to you and people that share your point of view... guess you mean that right?

Also you talk about other species, like birds or lions. Every species got different ways to survive, also there are some breaking the rules, but in general all animal societies are ruled by a common norm they have hard written into their cross-generation memory.

Yet, why do you compare yourself to another species? That only opens the debate and sounds more like an excuse...


@msgivings, when you get a chance to get back and answer some of the comments made, it will be interesting once your silence is broken. I found the same contradiction @develcuy points out as a distraction of your argument. You agree that there are gay rights and you argue for polyamorous rights but you argue against human monogamy as being a lie. Are you against freely chosen monogamist relationships? And does that include gay or straight monogamist relationships? As far as I know, men and women can and do have simultaneous multiple sexual partners in and out of marriage. In my own extended family, several male members are raising children their wives have conceived with other men while within the marriage.