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RE: 7 Financial Tips to Romantic Bliss

Great article! Yes, yes and yes. Great tips for getting on the same page with your partner and succeeding with money. @lukestokes and I follow these same principles. I am the responsible/organized one that does the budget and manages the finances. Luke is the spontaneous one that helps keep things fun. You said Olivia "feels guilty when she buys anything that’s not a necessity." This makes a lot of sense in light of how she was feeling about getting the surgery she needs to fix her abdominal split.


Ha! I think you are now her biggest advocate on that issue. Funny story: Once when we had babies we bought a crib sheet set that also had a matching pillow for $20 which we bought but she nearly returned it because she couldn't stop thinking about how many bottles of baby food she could have bought instead. I on the other hand love expensive things. And yes, tummy-tuck is high on the list :)

Haha :) Yes, most definitely! I know how big of a deal that was for me, so I want her to experience that relief as well. (In case you missed it, I posted all about that here on Steemit. Another friend @steemed-open also posted about the same issue here.)

Thanks for the link. I'll have her check it out.

Luke is the spontaneous one that helps keep things fun.

And don't you forget it!
