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RE: Monogamy is a lie!

in #relationships8 years ago (edited)

The person who wrote this blog doesn't seem to understand anything about the battle between beta-males collectively and the alpha-males. Women are drawn to hypergamy. Monogamy is an institution created by the beta-males to compete against the alpha-males. The alpha-males (elite) have been successfully employing mind-control (via mass-media) to fool the beta-males into abandoning their strategy of collective enforcement of monogamy (and control over the hypergameous females).

I see a lot of guys upvoting the idea of multiple wives in an open relationship, but have they actually considered that means their wives falling in love with other guys and fucking them. So that means (unless you are into destroying your wives' bodies with birth control pills) very likely your wives pregnant and needing your financial support to raise children fathered by other men.

So if we are actually talking about multiple wives who are not given reciprocal freedom, then you will need to be supreme alpha-male if you expect to women to put up with this asymmetric arrangement, unless you are using some means of preventing the women from knowing or acting on their choices, such as some form of mind control (religion, cult, etc) or isolation. It is not realistic for most men to even be entertaining such a delusion.

Most men have enough trouble just maintaining exclusivity over one women, so that he isn't raising the kids of another man. Women are naturally drawn to hypergamy, so the idea of a monogamous relationship was created by the beta-males so their genetics would be competitive with the alpha-males. Otherwise, the alpha-males would impregnate all the females and the beta-males would be stuck raising all these children they didn't father.

The alpha-males typically don't have wives. They fuck 'em and leave 'em. Perhaps some very wealthy few maintain concubines.


I have provided a more in depth reaction in my new blog, Monogamy is an Evolutionary Strategy.