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RE: Difficult times for today's couples and dating singles

in #relationships8 years ago

A really good post with very valid points.

I used to live in Eastern Turkey for a couple of years, and I have seen teenager-girls, who are way more adult than woman in their end 20s in the west.

I have seen boys at the age of not older than 14, who are shepards, defending their sheeps and goats from wolfs with nothing but a stick. While in the west grown men run away from spiders.

But I don't wonder about the things you wrote, after I read the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". It's their goal to destroy family and religion, and they are sticking very good at their plan. But they forget, that God has a plan too, and He is the Best of the planmakers.


I agree. You are right. Thank you very much for your reply

You are welcome.