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RE: Why He Prefers the Girl on the Side

in #relationship8 years ago

I've read and re-read this one and have come back a couple times. I''ve thought a bit on the one question I have for any women reading this so here goes and don't hate me:

Are you really attracted to a man that wont or can't cheat?

The question isn't my twisted means to justify cheating, like I know a lot of guys would use/say/preach.

I'm someone who wont, till the day I die.


A man that other women want becomes instantly more attractive.

To you, not the rest of the rational world.

Did you ever think that as someone that thinks that monogamy is a lie, and has destroyed your own relationships, that maybe your not the person to be giving people advice on this type of stuff?

Honest answer...but it wasn't really an answer to the question I asked :)

A man that other women are fucking is not desirable to a woman who is focusing on being able to raise a family and family values.

You are speaking to the hindbrain of the woman, and focusing on animalism. Did we develop big brains for nothing?

We can leverage this animalism to some extent but we also have to contend with competition from other humans with big brains and more productively organized cultures. War and economic defeat may extinct those who prioritize animalism over productivity. Then again, we need some of our animalism to diversify the gene pool. So life is a complex mix, but I am appalled that you tried to shame all women into unmitigated addictive decadence. No wonder you won't tell us your real name.

I think a man who couldn't cheat at all would have to be extremely undesireable. I get what you mean tho, the more other people value anything the more valuable it (or they) become.

You know...sometimes having an affair can end up making the person a better spouse or parent, ironically. It can put that feeling of vitality back in them, among other things...

some people are just love-junkies, always need the spark every once in it in two months or until the classic seven year itch. All kinds of people in this world.

yeah right, you're a love junkie, you're better off after you break the trust you have with someone by cheating on them... keep saying it, it might start to sound right

I didn't say it was the better way to be. I think it can make some people who are unhappy in their relationships feel happier. Maybe it's an ugly truth, sure. Not everyone commits to people for the good reasons, and people change.