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RE: How to Flirt Successfully (strictly for men)

in #relationship9 years ago

I think this is a sh1t test. Meaning, women knowingly give advice that won't work, just to see who is foolish (read: clueless beta male) enough to get self-conflicting advice from women... :P

Women are notorious for giving "be a nice guy" advice like this, and then go have sex with the biker guy who deals drugs and beats her up. :P


I saw a study, typically women want sex with the fun, exciting, bad boy and want a relationship with the pleasant, considerate, nice guy. Sex with new partners can be fun, but often its not as good as when you have someone who knows exactly how to push your buttons. So the nice guys win.

In redpill/mgtow terminology, this dynamic is called "AF/BB" (alpha fucks, beta bucks).

Nice guys win? So, when she has sex with an alpha guy, beta guy funds her lifestyle and takes all her bs, and that's a win?

You just exposed your beta-thinking.

Here are 100+ studies about women, if you want to educate yourself:

you immediately took that to the extreme... and it's so accurate

Disclaimer: I do not suggest men to go deal drugs or initiate violence against women to get laid. Just telling the stereotypical example. :D