Don't Let it Die*

Don't Let it Die
I remembered growing up and the experience I had cooking with firewood. Starting up the fire is usually the most difficult part because it requires more efforts but when the fire has been ignited, you can cook anything you want.
At first, you have to gather the right woods, add fuel or palm kernel chaff to start up a fire. You'll also lit it up with a match stick and allow the wood to burn gradually. As it burns, you have to keep fanning it until the smoke becomes a fire.
Do not forget that while fanning the flames, you'll feel some peppery sensation in your eyes. The smoke will smell in your body and you must position the firewood in such a way that it would allow the fire to burn. Once the fire is ignited, you'll require little effort to keep them burning. But unfortunately, when the fire goes off, you'll repeat the process again and it becomes difficult.
However, the scripture says where there's no wood, the fire goes out. There are some things in your life that must NOT die and they are...

  1. The love in your relationship
    Are you married or engaged to be married? Endeavor you continue those things you've been doing when you were not married. Why many marriages gets boring is because many people stop doing the things they use to do when they were engaged to be married.
    Some men would stop 'chasing' their wives because they've gotten her. Some women would stop the attention they usually give their fiancé and would replace it with something else.
    To fall in love with one another and keeping the fire burning is the beauty of a love relationship. Regardless of the challenges or happenstance of life, do not allow the fire of love in your relationship die.
    It's quite easy to fall in love but very difficult to fall in love again when love fizzle out in your relationship. If you allow the fire of love to die in your relationship, you'll pay twice the price to reignite it.
  2. Your potentials
    God has given each of us a seed to make us great in life. In the parable of the talents, some traded with the talent the master gave them while the wicked servant buried his own in the soil.
    Do you find it easy to write, sing, draw, motivate people, encourage, design or help others? Do not allow those potentials die.
    You can't be great in what you do occasionally. No one will know the good stuff you've got if you do not make use of the good things God has deposited in you.
    Keep doing those things you've been doing. Don't wait for inspiration or for others to motivate you, motivate yourself. Don't let criticism stop you from progressing. Do not allow busy bodies to bad mouth you. There's profit in all labor, be determined to rise above the status quo.
    Surround yourself with those that would make you burn rather than mingle with those that would make you smoke. Paul told Timothy to stir up the gift that was in him. I also say to you: stir up your potentials and keep burning for God.
  3. Your hunger and thirst for God
    The most important thing that must never die, note that emphasis, is your hunger and thirst for God.
    Jesus said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled" (Matt. 5:6). What then happens when there's no hunger and thirst? You'll become empty.
    The key to relevance in your personal relationship with God is to keep thirsting and hungrily pursue Him. You can't manifest His acts if you allow your hunger and thirst for Him to die or be replaced with something else.
    Those who are hungry are dissatisfied with their present and past encounters with God. Paul said, "That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His suffering, being made conformable to His death". He went further to say, "I count myself not to have apprehended...I forget those things which are behind and I reach forth to those things that are before" (Phil. 3:10,13).
    If you no longer hunger or thirst for God, you'll either be cold or lukewarm and Jesus said He'd spew these categories of people out of His mouth.
    Are you still burning for God in way the use to do when you gave your life to Christ? Are you still utilizing your potentials or you have buried it? Is your relationship still spicy and enticing when you were engaged?
    If all these things won't die in your life, be CONSISTENT. Don't give up! Don't be tired! That something great seems not to be happening doesn't mean nothing isn't happening. Tiny drops of water, they say makes a mighty ocean. No relationship or marriage becomes successful by doing certain things occasionally, success is achieved when you do it repeatedly.
    The price you pay to get a good spouse should not be reduced if you want to have a good marriage. The price you paid to taste the power and glory of God, or the anointing shouldn't be reduced if you want to maintain your relevance in life and ministry.
    If you're ever going to remain relevant with the potentials that God has deposited in you, do not allow them to die.
    Never trade your relationship, marriage, personal relationship with God or the time spent to hone your skills for anything or anyone. Anyone that doesn't respect your time doesn't value your destiny. Stir those things up and never let them die!