Hello beautiful people. I remember when I always tried to make people happy at my own detriment. So many times I inconvenienced myself for their comfort but I realized they never valued my time nor appreciated my efforts. I caught myself convincing me that I was a good person and so I was going to keep trying my best for them to see the good in me and accept me because I'm putting in efforts to improve them, but rather, they became more abusive, never valued what I did for them, took me for granted and their character display further intimidated and hurt me.
But on a very good day, when I couldn't take it any more; I felt my strength drained, I was really downcasted and walked away. But guess what? They people I sacrificed my all for never felt my absence, they never cared about how I felt nor how their character would affect me then and in the future.
Their behavior made me see more clearer, it opened my eyes to the damage and harm I was doing to myself. But today, I can say I've learnt, though the hard way.
Don't give your all to people who never reciprocate your goodness towards them.
Stop wasting your time and emotions trying to change people. There will be a time when you will need the energy and strength. Please save it for the reigning days.