in #relationship7 years ago (edited)

Being detached from someone you care for doesn’t mean you’re closed off, aloof, or emotionally unavailable for love. It simply means that you love him, without expecting anything in return.
Detachment is about creating enough emotional space between yourself and another person so you can see the realities of your relationship and make healthier choices.
You are freely able to give and receive love and perhaps more importantly if you’re dealing with a breakup. You are able to let go of someone you love in a healthy way.

These tips for healthy detachment skills where inspired through heartbreak in my relationship and the relationships of those close to me!


“Let there be spaces in your togetherness,” said Khalil Gibran. “And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.”

That’s a wonderful suggestion for getting on with your life: take a step back and let time and space flow between you and your lost love. Emotional over-involvement happens when thoughts become focused on the other person in ways that are unhealthy for both the individual and the relationship. Over-involvement can lead to feelings of anxiety, agitation, helplessness, depression, anger, and even resentment.

(A) Focus on healing yourself not reuniting with your ex ;
For others to love and respect you, you have to love and respect yourself. To love and respect yourself, you may need to make practical changes in your life.

To detach from an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband, you need to find a sense of self-identity. Who were you before your relationship ended or before it began? Who do you want to become?

(B) Give yourself and your ex space to heal and breathe;

One of the most important tips on how to detach from someone you care about is to take a step back, though your instincts may be telling you to move closer.

Instead of turning towards your ex, listen to the still small voice inside of you. Figure out who you are apart from your love relationship.

(C) Look at your relationship objectively practice detaching yourself;

 You may have been invested in this love relationship for years; now, you need to look at it objectively, with your mind and gut (not your heart). Is this the love relationship you wanted for yourself, before you met him? Would you want your daughter, sister, or best friend to be in this relationship? Did your ex willingly meet your needs and respect your wishes? Do you do the same for him or her?

If you had to do it all over again, ask yourself if you’d choose the same person again as your partner. These questions may help you detach from someone you care about and get on with your life.

(D) Figure out what’s keeping you attached;

Why are you finding it so difficult to let go, to detach, to become healthy?

Maybe you’re still in a relationship with the person you want to detach from. Maybe you’re wondering if you should break up because sometimes you need to start detaching from someone you care about while you’re still together.
Before you can think about how to detach emotionally, you need to decide what is keeping you attached and if you really want to be with this person.

(E) Remember that the pain of detachment is temporary

The initial pain of detaching from someone you care about is usually the worst part of it. I know how heartbreaking it is; it may feel like you’ll never love again, never trust again, never laugh again…but trust me, you will get over your lost love. It’ll take time, it’ll take support from your friends, patience, and maybe updating on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook of how happy you are even though your feeling hurt inside, but you will be happy again.

The pain is temporary, but the process takes time.


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