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RE: 7 Sneaky Reasons to Sexually Objectify Women; and why we love it!

in #relationship8 years ago (edited)

I have never heard before that women are more prone to catching STD's. Can you back this up with a reliable reference? That sounds to me like something the social stigma of sexually active women might have just made up.

I'm afraid I just can't agree that objectification is an equaliser. I think your understanding of objectification is different from mine. To objectify means to dehumanise. Not every act of sexual admiration or attraction is objectifying. The act of dehumanising something you wish to pursue is to remove the emotional attachment to the experience. To objectify means to imagine what you desire is more of a possession, therefore does not need to be respected or loved or empathised with in order to obtain. It makes life easy for those of us who wish to be sexually active without concerning ourselves with the persons feelings.

In my view THIS is why men are more likely than women to have a one night stand and never call again. Men are used to seeing women this way. They are trained by the mass media to see women as fun temporary possessions or objects not to be empathised with. They are also trained not to acknowledge their own feelings making it even less likely for them to consider the feelings of those they have sexual encounters with.

Sexuality in my view is just a false image of power. It does not make us powerful, it is our lack of power that leaves women clutching for the one thing we have that the people who have power want. Sexual expression is women's liberation, but not power.

So I will flag you when its up.

I presume you meant to say tag lol...