You complain that she's crazy, but that's only because you drive her crazy. You complain that she has trust issues, but that's only because you've caused too many issues for her to trust you. You complain that she can't believe anything you tell her, but that's only because you've told her one too many lies. You complain that she's always wanting to snoop thru your phone, but that's only because she's caught you talking to people you shouldn't be talking to. You complain that she's always getting mad over stupid shit, but that's only because you continue to do a lot of stupid shit that makes her mad. You complain that she's always picking fights with you, but that's only because you don't care enough to pay attention to the mistakes you repeatedly make. You complain about her talking to her other guy friends for comfort, but that's only because you're not even trying to listen when she tries to open up to you. You complain about her being heartless, but that's only because you've only taken advantage of her heart when she uses it. You complain and complain and complain, but you are the reason why she is everything she is right now.
I have upvote your writing :DHi @a-a-0-tonyteddie, Nice to meet you...
Tough love. It always give and take. The alpha partner can be the passive one and the passive can express more for better two communications.
You have spelt it out correctly, people need to start accepting, rather than blaming...if we keep looking for who to take the blame always, then there will never be peace in a relationship
nice post