Hello Dtube,
Today I am not discussing anything about Dentistry but the Role of Mini Weekend breaks that help us rejuvenate ourselves from the daily tiring and monotonous work schedule. Not only we benefit from them but also our closed pals and family members get to interact with us during these breaks. I hope you guys like the vlog! Kindly leave your comments below in case you have some feedback or maybe just say "HI"
Dr Suvidha Seth (@suviseth)
I am Dr Suvidha Seth and I am a Paediatric Dental Surgeon and Laser Dental Specialist practicing in Noida(India) by the name of Re-Hab Dental. I am on @dtube because I like to help people by sharing my knowledge with you! This is the only medium where I am present live apart from my normal life. Please visit my website http://re-habdental.com/ to know more about me and my services! Also you can send me an email to suviseth27@gmail.com to book your free consultation or counselling session regarding Teethcare and the problems associated with it. Stay healthy!
▶️ DTube
Taking break is really important, sometimes we have just to forget about everything and just relax. ☺
True @clixmoney
yes it is,, absolutely @clixmoney
fFound you through @tanbay Great to have you here on Dtube/steemit! I need to take better care of my teeth ;/