Nano being Forced into a Fork by a lawsuit?

in #regulation6 years ago

In what may wind up being one of the first tests of a government's ability to regulate the cryptocurrency space, a lawsuit was filed today asking a judge to force Nano to perform a "restorative fork" ( ) in order to compensate people who lost their tokens in a hack. In the interest of full disclosure, I really don't know all that much about Nano. As a person who values the little bit of money that I have managed to save, I stay as far away from Proof of Stake-based chains as I can - especially when the stake and the currency protected by the stake are one and the same. However, I find it interesting that the plaintiff would waste their time, energy, and riches trying to force a fork onto a community that isn't willing to accept it. As far as I can tell, even if you win this type of case you're likely to wind up loosing in the long run - If the community didn't like the fork before the lawsuit, they'll really hate it once it's forced upon them. If you believe that a forked chain provides more value than the original, then fork it yourself and save the legal fees. This, I'm sure, isn't going to be the last time someone who doesn't understand what consensus means tries to use force to achieve it. I'm really interested to see how this shakes out - and very happy that I don't hold any XRB.