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RE: What Was Your Red Pill Moment?

in #redpill8 years ago

My dad's been wearing the tin foil hat since I was in middle school, so a lot of early exposure helped me overcome cognitive dissonance- even though I've had a gradual acquiescence of the fact that my dad isn't quite as crazy as he's been labeled :)
I knew about 9/11 but never spent a lot of time on it, and my dad has been talking about fiat currency and the federal reserve in the background of my life.
The health side is where I really woke up and became angry. First cancer (G Edward Griffen A World Without Cancer), the food industry/Monsanto and the FDA... finally when I was pregnant with my first I swallowed one of the biggest red pills out there, the vaccine industry and the entire concept of global depopulation and eugenics.
I was following the right people to get early in on the pizzagate wave and still follow pedogate research very closely.


That's a cool story, waking up on the health side, I don't hear that too often. I'm glad you caught onto the vaccine issue while pregnant. Just in time. Poor old crazy dad, been misunderstood all these years.