I had the honor of being a keynote speaker at G. Edward Griffin’s Red Pill Expo yesterday.
It was an honor because Mr. Griffin’s book, “The Creature From Jekyll Island” was the first book that woke me up to everything I talk about today… from the evils of government, central banks, fiat currency, fractional reserve banking, Keynesian economics and much more.
So, to have gone from reading his book nearly 20 years ago and carrying on a lot of his work to then end up speaking at his conference was almost a little surreal.
Alex Jones of Infowars actually livestreamed my speech to his internet audience and we were able to take that video and adjust it for quality somewhat and put it live on The Dollar Vigilante’s Youtube channel here:
I went deep down the rabbit hole on a number of issues that I don’t even regularly discuss in our blog so you may want to check it out. Don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel too so you don’t miss any of our live-streamed content.
It was an action packed day as I also got accosted by Robert Kiyosaki, the author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” while at the conference.
You can hear more about that here, “Is Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad/Poor Dad MK Ultra Mind Controlled or Just Having a Nervous Breakdown?”
I am now off to Las Vegas to play in the World Series of Poker and will report in soon from there.

Great video, we need more people as you.
What scare me the most is government only find 2 differents ways to get out of debt once they've printed too much money:
Luckily we could be saved by major a technological innovation breakout , new source of energy... but will it come soon enought, will it be used for positive effect and not war and mass destruction...
Precious metals, cryptos, land to produce food are probably what we need to buy ATM.
One question , How do we get out of slavery?
Inform the mass when medias are so controled isn't easy.
It's awesome how blockchain technology is empowering people. Even though the masses have no control over the media... we have the power of social media called steemit to empower millions. Sky is not even the limit :)
Good to see its growing in africa as well
there is and 3rd method... i spoke about it in my post few days ago
Great book! "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"... I recommend all Steemians read at least the first book of the series. It is an easy read, but will teach you the difference between how a poor and rich dad think.
Good luck in the World Series of Poker @dollarvigilante
Summer after my freshman year in college (2006), i had a job kind of soliciting door to door donations for Clean Water Action (was later revealed to be a complete scam) someone in Bristol RI took the time to recommend The Creature from Jekyll Island as something i needed to read. So glad i took him up on the challenge. That book changed my whole feeling about paper currency.
You presented truth so simple, everyone who is even remotely awake should get it. Keep it up. I love the personal vblogs you are putting out so much that I have changed my eating habits and will hopefully get amazing results as well. Steem on!
Your comment will be number three for now.
It was at the bottom but i will push it there because i like it most.
Every time I want to sell my STEEM because of naysayers I will remember what you said in this video!
I think STEEM has a very bright future ahead as well.
I Took the "Red Pill" 20 years ago but it wasn't called that, it was called cannabis :)
get some canabiscoin
Let's make one and do an ICO haha
it already exists..https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/cannabiscoin/
yep. A lot of us did that.
I heard taking the side effects wears off at age 65 when a person realized he was a slave for so many years and now regrets taking it :)
que buen material gracias por compartir
Why stop at the moon land was fake @dollarvigilante ?? Why not tell the truth about the earth being flat also? Is that just too much truth for the sheeple all at once? Or are you a closet flat earther Jeff?
Back when Jeff smoked too...
Dr Judy Wood even gets a mention about 9/11 in the above video, yet not mentioned at the red pill conference?? Was it because Richard Gage (Shill) was in the crowd and/or one of Jeff's good mates that helped make the movie called Loose Change doesn't like her work. Both will never talk about Dr Judy Wood's work and the free energy weapons coverup that was used to turn the towers to dust!
People researching the true nature of our flat world already know it's flat and stationary. We need to get people that have no idea they don't live on a spinning ball to be inspired to look into it just like we all did.
Thanks a lot for this and your process is definitely amazing :)
Truman Show. True man show. Very nice. Had never thought of that, neither heard.
Truman Show was a pivotal movie, not for cinema, but for TV. It´s started the reality show era that completely dominates TV today. If you read Spanish, I wrote about it here, take a look.
I love how you say "cult" instead of culture, theft instead of taxation, prison instead of school - one really has to start at the correct language to find truth and you keep delivering, Jeff! Really awesome work, next year's conference is gonna be legendary.
Good post indeed..keep steeming
The deeper you look the more you find everything is a lie when it come to government and banking. Fractional reserve banking is Ponzi scheme created to enslave us. Crypto is the future!!
It's not the spoon that bends it's us!!!!
If you truly believe that the elite have no hands on crypto I think you still do not see the real picture, think of crypto coins as another version of enslavement just in a one world goverment with one currency BTC,LTC whatever the coin that's how they control us, they sponsor it as a decentralized money free of corrupt central banks.
They have again outsmarted human race :)
I took the Red Pill 20 years ago, it's great to finally see humanity slowly catching up. Reality is not as real as people think. I'll just leave it at that.
Great avatar!
Thanks DOOM was the first PC game I really got into!
Robert Kiyosaki is a ridiculous con man. If you want a red pill about the financial system watch Ronald Bernard describe the order of power in the world economy on youtube. He says it goes - BIS, IMF / world bank, central banks, commercial banks, multi national corporations, governments, loads of laws, and regulations, and then the people. And the BIS is controlled by about 8500 people They fleece everyone via lending money at interest, and inflation.
I'm glad you mentioned the health aspect of the system! Have you seen the documentary: What The Health?
Just how far down the rabbit hole does one want to go?
Ive been down it, and when i showed people the truth ,I actually had some cry in front of me saying i was scaring them... you should be..But its that dark down there and if you are willing, and by all means, should be willing to go, just prepare yourself, for everything you ever believed to be real, is a lie, and those pretending to be just and righteous are pure evil.
I experienced about the same when trying to open the eyes of my peers to the dark reality of things ... people are deeply attached to their pink sunglasses it seems. Once they're off there is no turning back...most just put up a wall and dismiss all the information as "not possible", some break apart as you mentioned but these are the ones getting involved afterwards.
It took me a e few years to a decade for some but I succeeded in waking them up or at least having them be aware something doesn't fit.
Ignorance is bliss my friend. Once you've taken the red pill you cannot unsee
I started following your posts some time back on YouTube, and joined Steemit in response to your recent YouTube posts. I'm exited to see more of your posts and comments.
Great speech.
"The Matrix"
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @dollarvigilante!
Are you saying the US didnt put any satellites in the orbit either (if not then when or arent there still any)? Or didnt they orbit the Moon and take picture from the other side? Didnt they land on the Moon and leave stuff behind? Are you saying that the bouncing a laser from the mirror on the Moon is fake also. Telescopes taking picture of the landing sites fake also? What about current space station and space walks in that same heat of the sun as in the Moon. Were those fakes too? Is the Earth not round
Or did you just say what ever they wanted to hear.
Great speech Jeff! It seems crazy that no one seems to notice things happening around us.
Love this post. Sometimes I wonder if I am crazy because I dont buy into all these things that "educated" people buy into. I dont have a degree in anything but I have done assignments for a lot of college graduates for free and also for money so I think I am smart enough to know when things are not right. You mentioned health and Cancer came to mind. Cureable disease that will never be cured because Oncololgists won't get to charge for their chemo drugs. Drugs are like bandaids covering the real issues in our bodies.
Hello Jeff, I appreciated your red pill testimony. It was encouraging.
I took the red pill back in 2008 after the market crash. When my 401k lost 40% of its value. I've spent last 9 years searching for Economic Truth. You're one of the few voices of truth in this world. Your passion has not falling on deaf ears.
God Bless You & Your Family
Keeping it real, I agree with the majority of what he said. Especially about 911, what a scam...
i love all the updates
Awesome! I just followed you :)
To me the Red Pill is the awakening realization that you can no longer believe what you have been told by authorit, but must question and investigate everything independently. My first red pill came from learning about the holes behind the 911 official story. We really can't believe anything that the media and politicians want us to, but how deep does the rabbit hole go? I question everything, but don't necessarily want to go into weird alternative beliefs for which I have no backing for. It is easy to try to fill in holes where they exist, but sometimes we just don't have answers, and we never will.
What holes?
Great stuff, Jeff, as always. Congratulations on quitting smoking, I know how hard that is. And, good luck at the tournament. Give 'em Hell!
You are such an inspiration, Jeff! Thank you for sharing this.
You know, the sad thing is, that lady you mentioned in the beginning of your speech, working at the bank, that attitude is what is drummed into your head from an early stage, and that is most of the planet's opinion... Get a job, and work and work, and be happy for what you have.
Also - thanks for mentioning the vaccination issue. Open your minds people!
"Government Indoctrination Camps" - thank you.
Can't wait to check out the Robert Kiyosaki post!
Yeah that's why government got into schools, program the populous from an early age. Think about the first thing children get taugh... What government job do you wanna do when u grow up??
I agree with you,
What is so bad about vaccines??
Thanks for the post Jeff.
Great book "What the Health?"
Very interesting! Thank you for sharing!
The misinterpretation of reality has led to a huge belief in altered(fake) reality.
cheers!@dollarvigilante Thanks for sharing!
That's one of my dreams, i really want to have red pill
I just found out about your channel and im excited about report from Las Vegas.
Do they make them vegan?
Quite a lifestyle you lead Jeff - good luck in las vegas - put your poker face on lol
saw it this night at around 2am! keeping it real as always!
Congrats on the recognition I'm about to watch the Infowars video now! :) thanks for sharing. See ya in 30 mins lol
This is one interesting video.
I agree with what he has to say haha
Good luck in Las Vegas
I have seen this video Live on youtube.
Inspiring. Amazing.
You rock! May the luck be with you at poker table!
Awesome! Good to see likeminded people gaining steem in society - and succeed.
On the bottom of this post is a short video, starring Thomas Jefferson. It explains the Fiat Banking System perfectly - for those who want a refresher and to pass it on..
do you think cryptocurrencies can work in post-Soviet countries? I mean some of them, where everything including the hair style is controlled by the state