An Invitation To Meet The Dollar Vigilante At G. Edward Griffin's Red Pill Expo

in #redpill7 years ago

It’s really quite amazing how life works sometimes.

In 2002 I sat in my penthouse in Vancouver about to buy a sailboat with what money I had left and wondering what happened.

My internet company, which is still Canada’s largest financial website,, was worth $240 million and was about to IPO on the Nasdaq a year earlier when all of a sudden everything collapsed.

I spent the next year laying off most of our 250 employees in eight countries and was left rudderless on my patio, drinking a beer. I had spent 18 hours per day, 7 days per week for eight years straight building my company and in a blink of an eye it was all gone.

My partner had even tried to commit suicide, jumping from his 8th story apartment and surviving a year earlier. He had just gotten out of the hospital after having most of his bones screwed together and he limped over to my place to drop off a book.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“Just read it,” he said.

That book was The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin.

I’d never heard of him nor the book. But a week later after finishing reading it I shouted out, “Why didn’t anyone tell me this!?!”

Had I known how central banking worked I could have avoided being caught off-guard by the collapse of the tech bubble and it could have saved me hundreds of millions of dollars.

If you don’t know the book, it gives the best accounting of how the Federal Reserve was founded as a banker takeover of the US government in 1913 and how central banking causes the very booms and busts it proclaims to lessen.

And, after reading the book, I knew why my internet company went from $0 to $240 million and then pretty darn near close to $0 again all in a few short years.

And, after feeling rudderless and not knowing what I wanted to do with my life just a week earlier I had already decided what my next endeavour was going to be about.

“People need to know this information!” I said. And, while I took a number of years off to try to sail and travel the world, I eventually got down to that very business, founding The Dollar Vigilante in 2010 with the expressed focus of being a freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies: the state and the central banks.

And so, earlier this year, I was thrilled when G. Edward Griffin himself accepted my invitation to be a keynote speaker at the world’s largest voluntaryist conference, Anarchapulco.

And now, next week, he has invited me to come and speak at his first ever conference called The Red Pill Expo.

It feels a bit surreal to be invited to speak on the evils of government and central banking by the man who first initiated me into this knowledge! But it’s an honor I couldn’t pass up.

The conference is on June 22nd and 23rd in Bozeman, Montana.

Some of the big name speakers include; Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad as well as many other best-selling books, Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth, the guy who exposed the manmade global warming hoax, Lord Monckton, Mike ‘The Health Ranger’ Adams the founder of, and James Corbett of the ‘The Corbett Report’ to name just a few.

It’s not too late to register and you can find out more and register HERE.

Also check out this video overview I did in preparation for the the expo!

I’ll hope to see many of you there. If you’ve yet to take the red pill, this conference might help push you over the edge. And if you’ve already taken the red pill you might enjoy spending time with many others like us who have already escaped the matrix.

There are 2 pages

Sounds like a good time and great lineup with those speakers!

Wish I could make it out. Already commited to another event. Maybe anarchapulco one day ?😉

I read somewhere about how the Federal Reserve was created and the conspiracys behind it all. It's pretty mind blowing really and something designed to screw over the general public!

Love these stories. Inspirational. If I can make it, definitely will make it. Sounds amazing!

I love that part when student is honored by the teacher. Pai Mei. Jeff rocks.

I am going, I bought tickets in April!

Such a gangster!

Wish I could go in sure and tell mike to stick to the health stuff!

One does not need to be an Anarcho-Capitalist to see how corrupt the Federal Reserve is and how they are destroying the dollar and enslaving the citizens. I have read the book "The Creature From Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin and strongly recommend that everyone read it whether your into economics, banking, finance or not. It is your duty as a citizen to find out what is going on, especially any goings on that are destroying your country.

Jeff are you a flat earth truther as well?

No, he is a round earth falser

Should be some fun times. Maybe one of these days I'll get a chance to get out to one of these events. I sometimes wonder where I fit though because unlike many in the voluntaryism/anarchist community, I think science provides us with one of the best currently known epistemological frameworks we've yet to discover for understanding what is. I read stuff like this about Lord Monckton and I get less excited about the information they are bringing. I've had similar discussions about 9/11 stuff, vaccinations, Alex Jones style false flag claims, etc, etc. Sometimes I feel like an outsider even within a group of outsiders. Conversations about this stuff often don't go well and seem to relate to identity and ego, as in, if you are voluntaryist then you must also hold specific positions on X, Y, Z... etc.

Either way, I also really enjoyed and learned a lot from Griffin's work. That's really an honor to be asked to speak at his event after he's influenced you so much. Congrats, Jeff!

Edward G Griffin is one of the most influential authors in my life. I can't think of another book that 'WOKE ME UP' like this one and sent me researching and investigating for myself. Another book which helped me to synthesise the grand picture is 'Pawns in the Game' by William Guy Carr. (pdf version free online) OMG.

Dreams DO come true, meow!


Be very wary of Kiyosaki. His book is full of confirmed falsehoods (his eponymous "Dads" were confirmed to be made up caricatures), he has been investigated numerous times, and he is basically a seminar-schlocking scam artist:

"Using a hidden camera investigation, CBC found that a $500 get rich in real estate workshop, which is not presented by Kiyosaki himself but rather by a Kiyosaki-branded coach, consists largely of a sales pitch for "advanced courses" that cost $12,000 to $45,000. "

Thanks for all the information you provide. Always watch your new up dates. Love your hight spirt. Keep it up bless you..

Thanks for this post @dollarvigilante ... definitely a book I am going hunting for. Hope your talk goes great. Best of luck.

Wait what the health ranger and Berwick together at the same conference?

Maybe Mike is attending to learn a thing or two about cryptos.

Keep doing your thing ... against the tyranny of the government 🤙🏼🍻

Didn't Kiyosaki write one book together with Trump in which they exposed the money system? If you see him, please ask him what he thinks about Trump now. Maybe you can even get an interview! It would be very interesting.

Coming up too soon and is too far. I think I'll go the non-binary route and take the green pill instead.

Wish I could come but I don't live near the expo.

me parece interesante el contenido del libro, si tengo la oportunidad lo leeré

Jeff Berwick and his analysis is fascinating. I have listened to him for several years. He is cutting edge. /uovited,

I'd like to bee there... Sadly my situation isn't that good at the moment.. . Are you guys streaming the conference? Need the red pill to get off this place.

Congratulations on Griffin's invitation for you to speak at his expo, that's awesome.. It's a small world! Also, I hope to see you guys at Anarchapulco next year. I'm American, anarchist, and also living a post-matrix-life down here in Mexico. I'm also a listener of Anarchast (I need to catch up though).

I know another very brilliant and lesser-known book for you to check out that will help change your life just as Griffin's book did. It's more anarchist-leaning in its stance and a phenomenal, ideology-shattering read. 'Island', by Aldous Huxley. Trust me on that.

Wow I have learned great amount of information from E GRIFFIN.
I live thought communism .
Collectivism is goverment mamegment system where individual suffocated.

txs for the post finally a break !!!!

thank you


I'm going to go and find that book.

That's a very impressive lineup, wish I could get away. But alas I'm a subscriber to most already and will get the reports from everyone's different perspectives in the end :-)
Have a wonderful time, looking forward to your views.

I admire u a lot...keep it up. Having been thru crucibles u are stil steeming hot. Nice post and upvoted as usual.

Sorry mate, although there is much to be inspired by within your story you have not escaped The Matrix and no matter how many times 'the right' declares such a thing it matters not to the falseness of the declaration.
Among other things, this is a Gnostic spiritual declaration and although freedom from political and economic tyranny is to applauded it should not be framed within false statements and hyperbole.
Here is a fact as far as I can tell: as long as one is subject to the laws of life and death on this planet one cannot be a total anarchist. Now perhaps there ARE those among us who have such ability but they are being exceedingly coy in their abilities:)
Any declarations​ about The Fiat Currency Masters also has to be balanced by the overall good they've brought to people, too. Prior to 1900 most folks on this planet were shitting in outhouses​​ and using candles ( not a bad thing in itself).​ I say this as one of their biggest critics...See my ShowTrials post on my website as evidence for such a statement.
....Anyway, have a good conference!

Your story is very interesting and insiring. I equally have a similar experience like you when my business collaps, i feel like the world has ended but thank God i have friends and relative who keep encouraging me. I am happy that you have gotten over the incident and that you have move on with your life. With the experience you, you have join others to mode life, by being a public speaker. You will do well in your speaking engagement. I hope that one day,i will be able to overcome my own shorck and see reasons to tell my story to the world.

Great advice! People tend to let their life pass them by and the truth is, you need to get out there and take action! Stop waiting for something to happen and make it happen. The conference looks like it'll be great! I also loved the Matrix reference. Great action movie with the same underlying message, believe in yourself :)

Congratulations! What a story... Very moving.

Interesting post, I like it .....

Awesome posts as usual
Always recieve your newsletter too.
Please read my article.

Many important people'll be there, it'll surely be amazing to attend this event.

it would b lovely to make this event due to recent events in my structure of life the tiling just isn't rigt enjoy to all who attend great info jeff

wish i could go -- i am not allowed in US

Great story of Success,Luck, Hardworking and Inspiration...

Check out my views on story crypto
Thanks Follow me and i will follow You

you got my back buddy

How many free bitcoins are you giving out this

Thanks for keep pushing Steemit @dollarvigilante . I have been following you on YouTube and I have finally taken a leap and see what I can discover in this whole knew social network. :)

Wow, super stoked for you brother. You're gonna kill it. And what a story you have - I'd really like to hear more, especially since it's based in Vancouver and tech - both areas I'm familiar and interested in.

Keep doing awesome things man, I'm rooting for you.

Your life is really interesting. It could be made into a movie. Resteemed.

I don't think there is any difference between Banker and Government. Both practice mind control which is what government means. The difference is that government hides the truth as much as is possible about bankers and will take the flack for Bankers when ever possible.

A am I to anything that contribute to freeing people from the system

Interesting post..I like that

Long time follower on youtube and now Steemit. I would love to go but the distance is too far now since my move to Asia years ago. I will be waiting for the video. Break a leg !

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