The Sexual Dialogues: Woman-as-Race
The Sexual Dialogues: the Race Model
The Sexual Dialogues: Feminism is Derivative of the Civil Rights Movement
The Sexual Dialogues: Variance in Intelligence
The Sexual Dialogues: the Signal Achievement of Feminism
The essential feature of feminism is woman-as-race and like all movements based on the instinct to form racial groupings it is selfish in its motives and regard assigning in its methods. The motive for the racial grouping is self interest with the group as a practical vehicle for self interest as the many will always defeat the few. And assigning regard to the group is the method as it is human nature to view regard as the mystical life force without which life is not worth living. It is human nature to believe that regard will produce success as optimism for the group’s future makes the group stronger and the stronger group wins the competition for nature’s bounty. These instincts worked in the world they evolved in, a world where all wealth comes from nature. They do not work in today’s world where almost all wealth comes from human labor. But these instincts remain. Feminism is woman-as-race and so by instinct white feminists, the only real kind, want regard assigned to woman-as-race. Overt selfishness would produce revulsion rather than regard and so woman-as-race presents itself as altruistic and seeking the redemption of the world. Human instinct motivates regard seeking for groups including racial groupings around shared physical features, a grouping which helps to create family feeling as the family is the group with the most shared physical features. Woman-as-race conforms as best it can to the human instincts for racial grouping. It builds the group around shared physical features and tries to have as much regard assigned as possible. To this end woman-as-race lays claim to the greatest amount of regard possible, all of it.
Woman-as-race claims women will provide the final solution to all of the world’s problems thus having more regard associated with it than any other identity, thus having the most possible regard associated it. How big a problem will woman-as-race solve? The biggest problem of all, the problem of human living and it will all be solved and solved permanently and all the credit will go to woman-as-race and this will permanently assign more regard to the group than any other group and this will fulfill the human instincts regarding racial grouping. The entire human race will be saved by part of the human race and thus the entire human race will permanently owe that part regard forever, it is one of two dreams racial groupings are inevitably drawn to with the other the elimination of all other racial groupings. I have met feminists who follow this path and have told me lesbian scientists in a secret mountain stronghold are working on parthenogenesis after which there will be no men. I wish this was a joke. Luckily most women follow the chosen people path of racial aspirations rather than the only people path. They are the chosen ones who solve all the world’s problems, of which they are many.
This messianic dream is age old and a standard part of racial groupings. The modern form of the messianic dream follows the contemporary obsession with the cultural influence on success. All contemporary messianic dreams share this obsession or they would not be contemporary. Whether or not culture influences success is the obsession of the age, the central feature of the historical super cycle we are living in. Woman-as-race is contemporary, it must then follow the obsessions of the age, it must share this obsession. And truly it does as the feminist movement has as its goal the signal achievement of ending Black and Hispanic poverty. This will be their ornament, this will be their legacy, this will be the signal achievement which crowns woman-as-race as the most well regarded racial grouping in the world. The chosen people path of racial glorification will be achieved, so many others have tried and the world was never saved. It will be different this time. Woman-as-race will be the one, the chosen people.
It will happen too, I swear it. Women-as-race follows and imitates the Black Civil Rights movement. So the reason Blacks are less successful is not because of uneven cultural progress. And the reason half the stars in the sky are not female isn’t because of Variance in intelligence. There is the rewriting of history for the future of writing the future. The story of the greatness denied, doors closed, shining lights hidden from view. And then the endless denial that the door has been opened. Because stubborn facts never fit the story. So the new story is that all past claims of success in gaining rights were false. The facts don’t fit the explanation of why success should now be equal, so the open door is denied and an endless cold war becomes the new normal. And so we are told the opening of the door still lies in the future. The one who opens this door, the one who brings equal opportunity, this will be the chosen one. And this will be woman-as-race. This artificial racial grouping will be the natural chosen people and open all the doors for all the people. And in America with its special obsessions this will mean Black poverty will be ended and ended by woman-as-race. This will be the signal achievement of woman-as-race, the crown it will wear forever. This will justify woman-as-race against any criticism of being bigotry, this will prove woman-as-race as having been greatness denied all along, a bright light behind a shut door. And woman-as-race opens the door for all, the claimed fault of the age, the unevenness of success will be cured by woman-as-race.
As the issue of the age is whether culture influences success uneven success is the fact of the age. It is seen as the problem of the age and refusing to admit this ages obsessions are not timeless it is seen as the problem of all ages. And this problem of uneven success will be defeated by the chosen one who will unite the clans, woman-as-race. The greatest hero for the greatest age and solver of the greatest problem, this signal achievement will be worn by woman-as-race forever. Yes, Newton discovered a few things, Galileo too. Michelangelo was not without talent, Beethoven has his charms. But no star in the sky will shine brighter than woman-as-race. To the solver of the greatest problem goes the greatest regard. Woman-as-race will be the brightest star in the sky on merit, having solved the greatest problem, the unevenness of success in the modern world. A signal achievement which will outshine all past and all possible future achievements.
Except it won’t. Because it can’t. The truth is that which has power over you even if you don’t believe it. All cultures are not equally successful and this has power over you even if you don’t believe it. Success is uneven because counter instinctive cultural progress is uneven. Our instincts evolved in a world where all wealth comes from nature, we now live in a world where most wealth comes from human labor and instincts will not correctly guide you in this world. To correctly guide yourself in this world you need counter instinctive cultural progress, you must learn how to favorably contradict one’s own instincts. Progress in this area is uneven and so success is uneven. Woman-as-race will not fix uneven success as woman-as-race embraces the wrong answer. Woman-as-race seconds the first of the Black claim that doors must still be shut if their greatness is still denied. Blacks are the poorest because they have made the least counter instinctive cultural progress. Woman-as-race will only hold them back by encouraging their delusions. Feminism will not solve uneven success, it cannot. This is true and this has power over you whether you admit it to be true or not.
Uneven success is due to uneven cultural progress. Uneven success will be fixed when why some cultures are more successful is evenly understood. This will not be done by woman-as-race or even by women. It cannot be done by woman-as-race as this is an attempt to fulfill the human instincts for racial grouping through the artificial race of women. It is these human instincts which hold us down, it is these instincts which make success so uneven, it is these instincts which are the problem. Feminism glorifies as the solution what is truly the problem itself, the incompetence of instinctive decision making in the modern world, a world which only rewards useful forms of counter instinctive cultural progress. Woman-as-race is a step backward from true cultural progress and cannot save the world or even a part of the world. Even as a sex and not a pseudo race women cannot save the world. The male starts and the female finishes. What we need for the problem of uneven success is a start and this can only come from men. We need new ideas and directions and women can never provide this. Women have chosen as their signal achievement the ending of uneven success, they have chosen a crown they can never wear.
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