Reddit Has Become A Magnet For Morons And Femi-Nazis

in #reddit11 months ago (edited)

Josephvm is the creator of this image/Source:  Pixabay

1. Once Upon A Time

When I was working at a social services agency so many years ago, a gentleman in his thirties walked up to my window so that I could assist him with his paperwork. This man was from Utah. After reviewing his paperwork, I was able to see that when he got married, he was 22 years old and his wife was 13 years old.

I never asked this gentleman whether or not he was with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, although I suspected that he was so. His wife was, of course, in her twenties by then. There was nothing odd about this man. In fact, I found him to be more polite than most customers with whom I dealt.

Shortly thereafter, a woman with an African accent came up to my window and struck up a conversation with me. I briefly mentioned to her about that same gentleman from Utah, although, of course, I didn't tell her his name inasmuch as it was confidential in nature. She smiled at me and told me that it was nice that this man and his wife were still together. Then after she began talking about the father of her 13-year-old daughter's baby, she spoke with venom in her voice.

I assumed that the father of her 13-year-old daughter's baby was a teenage boy close to the young girl in age and had been a troublemaker against the young girl. The point here is that more often than not adolescent girls as young as 12 years old seem to receive better treatment from older suitors and partners than they do from boys their own age or teenage boys close to them in age.

Nevertheless, society and the law here in the United States of America continue to treat such men as though they are part of a circus freak show. Mental-health professionals seek inventive ways to demonize these men. The mainstream media will equate them to pedophiles who sexually molest toddlers. It's like a never-ending subjection to mental torture and ostracism that is seldom warranted.

In some of my articles here on this writing platform, you may have come across a link I have provided to a Reddit confession that starts out with bold words that read:

I am a sex offender who is abused and harassed every single day. The victim and I are still in a relationship.

Well, I would like to take this opportunity to respond to this same Reddit post, because it has stayed in my mind for a long time. The post is originally from 2013. Therefore, the incident described therein occurred clear back in 2003, which was over two decades ago. This same post continues to get replies in its comments section to this very day. Most of them are callous and offensive.

2. A Tragic Love Story That Doesn't Belong In The Court Of Public Opinion

I'm going to refer to the gentleman who posted the above-described Reddit confession as Robby for the sake of avoiding confusion. I will refer to the love of his life as Emily for the same purpose.

The post begins where Robby describes how he and Emily fell in love with each other when he was 21 years old and Emily was only 13 years old. Robby didn't want to have sex with her until she was older, but Emily threatened to lose her virginity to a social degenerate who obviously went to school with her. Therefore, Robby agreed to make love to her. He didn't want her getting involved with a druggie.

Therein Robby stated:

Well the law got involved, long story short, I got in big trouble and am a sex offender for life. Our families who were best friends, are now enemies. It is true we did stuff underage, but nobody cared about the nuances of it, that I was the only one who was there for her, the one who gave her guidance, that she listened to, the only one who was a positive influence, while her father beat her and her mother was verbally abusive. No one cared that I told her over and over that we would have to wait to be in a relationship.

I wonder if they were living in Georgia. If you read my article titled "Georgia Applies Double Standards Regarding Juvenile-Justice-Related Matters," you'll already know that Georgia authorities appear to legislate their own laws as they go along rather than follow the ones that are actually on the books or rather they give more importance to some juvenile-justice-related laws than others in an unfair manner.

Emily's father physically abused her and her mother verbally abused her. She depended on them as her legal guardians. The authorities didn't seem to care about it. However, they had no problem treating Robby like a serial child rapist solely based upon the math regarding his age and Emily's age rather than upon the actual events surrounding the situation.

There are your good ole' American cops in blue for you. Always arresting the wrong people.

In his Reddit post, Robby further stated:

Now for what I did, not one day passes where I'm not harassed, abused and victimized.

Even all these years later, word got out in my neighborhood last year when I moved into my house. I get graffiti at my house, signs around planted everywhere to stay away, moms shielding their kids and pulling them into the grass when I'm anywhere near and accusations of being a pedophile.

These same events are why I stress that the fact that the United States has a 14-percent illiteracy rate makes our nation a dangerous one in which to live. Yes, Robby was 21 years old. However, he had sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old girl. He did not kidnap a 5-year-old girl from a playground and rape her. So, where do these helicopter mothers get the idea that he would harm small children if he's not even sexually attracted to them?

What if I were also to assume that sexually promiscuous 14- and 15-year-old boys who have intercourse with 13-year-old girls would also pose a danger to small children under the age of eleven? People would likely accuse me of being politically incorrect for doing so, even if it turned out that I was correct in my assertion. If Robby were truly a pedophile, he would not have even been interested in Emily in the first place.

Moreover, Robby remained in love with Emily for another decade. Pedophiles don't seek a future with their victims. They lose interest in them after their victims mature beyond their age-preference range. For that reason, they are called pedophiles. A real pedophile would have seen Emily as being too old for him. Duhhhhh!

Robby then stated therein:

Last summer a group of teenagers kidnapped me, threw me in a car, beat me up with bats and threw me out, and the police refused to come and get me. I get threats of violence, and police told me maybe I shouldn't have been a rapist. I am tired of not having the most basic human rights because of the sex offender hysteria. . . When the teenagers kidnapped me, I was terrified, they were talking about lighting me on fire, and I thought that was the end.

Robby? If you and Emily are still together and you're confronting these problems, you both need to immigrate to Germany or some other country like Germany where nobody will behave this way with you.

The United States of America is in decline, and it reeks with self-righteous hypocrites who have nothing better to do with their lives than become busybodies who don't even know how to respect themselves. Robby? I'm assuming that the teenagers who assaulted you were all boys.

Robby? A group of German teenagers would not have behaved like savages as the American ones who brutalized you did. Below is a video of Steven Robert Whitsett interviewing a 17-year-old German boy who explained the difference between German teenagers and American teenagers in that regard. His name is Lenny, and he is actually a pilot.

Steven Robert Whitsett Interviews A German Teenage Boy Regarding His Attitude And Those Of Others His Age Toward "Sexual Offenders"

Mr. Whitsett fell into similar circumstances as Robby did. However, as you can see from the video above, Lenny and his teenage friends from the flying club of which they and Mr. Whitsett are members have not beaten up Mr. Whitsett and have not set him on fire either. As a matter of fact, they have a great amount of respect for him. They know all about his past, and none of them force him to wear any kind of scarlet letter because of it.

Robby? The police here in the United States are not going to be of any help to you, and they are not your friends. They are the ones who pressure elected officials into passing ridiculous sex laws that give them additional power and authority to wreak havoc on the lives of everyday civilians throughout the United States.

Robby? Consider your circumstances. Relying on American police officers for safety in your situation is like allowing the fox to mind the henhouse. They want to see you suffer and be degraded.

Robby? The facts are that you didn't really rape anyone, because everything that went on between you and Emily back in 2003 was completely voluntary in that you were both in love with each other in spite of your age difference and Emily being 13 years old. Nevertheless, the police don't care about the truth. They only want to concoct events that never happened in situations like these.

In his above-described Reddit post, Robby complained that:

I am unable to have a relationship with anyone because they dump me as soon as they find out.

I still talk to the girl everyday. It is almost 10 years later, and we are very close. Because I'm stuck in my house all day and hiding from society, she is the only one that makes me feel grounded.

I know we belong together. I still love her, and I want to be with her. We talk every day and video cam every single night. She talks all the time about getting married with me, but it's complicated.

You see, I can't marry her. The memories bring me too much pain. Even though I know our love is right, it brings me too much shame because I know that I did wrong.

After being harassed so much, I am reminded everyday that I am guilty and did the wrong thing by taking advantage of her. People judged me, hurt me, beat me, and threaten to kill me . . .

The girl wants to be with me, and tells me everyday, but she needs time to bring it up with her family and have them accept it. I could never face them. Right now they would cut her off if they found out we even talk together, let alone were in an online relationship.

Robby? Once you were arrested back in 2003, your life as an American was immediately over as you knew it. If you and Emily ever hope to remain together and someday marry and start a family, you both have to plan a way to leave the United States of America for good and find a country where people are going to treat you better than they do here within the barbed wires of the land of milk and honey.

Starting a family in the United States would be cruel to your offspring, Robby. Most families that have at least one parent on a sex-offender registry struggle on $11,000 a year. Emily and your future children deserve so much better than that.

The American dream is not for everyone. You and Emily should know that fact. People are not the same everywhere on the planet. Some cultures are toxic in comparison with others, and the United States of America is one of them. The people who beat on you and violate you, Robby, are simply the scum of the Earth and you want to be somewhere where you don't have to deal with them at all. Greener pastures await you and Emily.

Lastly, Robby stated in his above-described Reddit post:

I wish I had the strength to leave this town, to get her and pick up where we started, and start over together. but it is too complicated. I could not be with her without feeling like I'm a pervert, I could not face her family without feeling like scum. I could not bring our families together in marriage as they are now mortal enemies. And she could not tell her family either, as they would cut her off quickly.

I know we belong together and one day it will all work out. I always did. but all I do everyday is cry about the life together that I feel we were robbed of. I want to be with her so much and she wants to be with me, but for some reason, we can't.

Robby? How old are you now? When I do the math, it turns out that you would now be 42 years of age and Emily would be 34 years old. I do not doubt that you are both still together.

Robby? Take Emily and leave the United States of America. There is nothing left in this nation for you and Emily. Get far away from your respective families so that you don't have to put up with their garbage. You and Emily don't have to get their approval to get married. You don't even have to notify them that you and Emily are marrying each other.

You and Emily severing ties with your respective families might be the best thing both of you could ever do. If they don't respect how you both feel for each other, they don't deserve your love. Once you and Emily are far away from them, they will begin to become less and less important in your lives.

Once you and Emily are living elsewhere in the world, that said "pervert" feeling of yours will likely go away. You probably got it from others constantly pervert-shaming you, when, in reality, they know very little about you.

After you and Emily expatriate, you will immediately realize that you are no longer a hostage to American social values, so to speak. You and Emily will be so happy to be free of the American nightmare that you both will never want to look back. Trust me. I know what I'm talking about.

After reading Robby's Reddit post, I was able to guess what kinds of comments were going to be in its comments section; and I was right about it. It was the usual love fest among pedophile-panic fanatics.

Some of the posts in the comments section were so hateful, it made me wish that someone would have decapitated Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing before he had the chance to conceptualize pedophilia. That scumbag psychiatrist is greatly responsible for the problems that people like Robby and Emily experience throughout the United States.

3. Now Come The Reddit Morons And Femi-Nazis

The spelling of many of these dunces who sniped at Robby in the comments section of his Reddit post was atrocious. One Reddit user whose reply really infuriated me went by the user name of paradoxical_anamoly8. Her reply was a lengthy narrative that was devoid of any critical thinking on her part.

Therein she quoted Robby's statements from his Reddit post and responded to them individually. What I have done here is I have placed two vertical gray bars next to each of Robby's statements and only one vertical gray bar next to every reply from paradoxical_anamoly8 to each of his statements. She typed her replies like a borderline illiterate.

In her post, paradoxical_anamoly8 stated:

You're here going on like you're done kind of Saint. She was a victim. You're victim.

Well, Ms. Know-It-All, Robby never forced Emily into doing anything she didn't want to do. She could have walked away from the sex any time she wanted to, even before it happened; but she chose to go through with it. He's in love with her, and she's in love with him. Stop treating it all like a savage act of sexual brutality.

In her post, paradoxical_anamoly8 further stated:

Now for what I did, not one day passes where I'm not harassed, abused and victimized.

You're not a victim here. YOU victimized a 14 year old. The child is the victim.

Wrong, Ms. Know-It-All! Robby had sex with Emily, and she gave him an ultimatum to get him to do so. She was a teenager rather than a toddler. Robby and Emily both wanted it, and both parties did so by choice. Of course, Robby thought that it would be better that they waited until Emily was older, but Emily didn't want to wait.

If nobody had found out about Robby and Emily, nobody would have gotten hurt. Deadbeat teenage fathers do much worse things to 13-year-old girls. Emily obviously chooses not to be a victim to this very day.

Having been 14 years old did not necessarily make her a child. In the French culture, a girl enters her womanhood at 14 years old. Youngsters can legally drink beer at 14 years old in Germany. If you don't believe so, watch the video below.

Lenny Describes The Drinking-Age Laws In Germany

The United States is lagging way behind most other nations in its definition of adolescence. The criminal justice system and society want to hold the American people hostage to a 1950s time warp regarding its social taboos and sex laws.

In her post, paradoxical_anamoly8 further stated:

nobody cared about the nuances of it, that I was the only one who was there for her, the one who gave her guidance, that she listened to, the only one who was a positive influence, while her father beat her and her mother was verbally abusive.

You're idea of "helping" this 14 year old was to sexually take advantage of an already abused 14 year old.

No, Ms. Know-It-All! Robby did not truly take advantage of Emily. I agree with you that she had already suffered abuse at the hands of her parents. However, Robby had sexual intercourse with her because she threatened to go to bed with a social degenerate who was on drugs if he didn't. He didn't want her involved with someone like that, and I can understand why he would feel that way. He was probably already in love with her.

Robby obviously didn't know how else to deal with the situation. However, he didn't force Emily into anything that she didn't want and he didn't even seduce her. You are deluded, Ms. Know-It-All. You obviously have never been in love with anyone but yourself.

Furthermore, do you honestly believe that Emily would have been better off having sex with that social degenerate on drugs merely because he was the same age as she was? If you do so, then you really have your head in the clouds.

In her post, paradoxical_anamoly8 also stated:

signs around planted everywhere to stay away, moms shielding their kids and pulling them into the grass when I'm anywhere near and accusations of being a pedophile.

Because you are a pedophile. That's what it is when you're 21 having sex with a 14 year old. You have sex as an adult, with children. And the neighborhood is trying to protect their children from you. Because you do things that are expressly harmful to children.

Paradoxical_anamoly8? Do you even know what a pedophile is? You obviously don't, because your statement could land you directly in front of a judge in a civil court for defamation of character.

Regardless of what the law says and regardless of what society says, a 21-year-old man who has sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old girl is no more of a pedophile than a 15- or 16-year-old boy who does so. The Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ("DSM-5") clearly defines a pedophile as an adolescent or an adult 16 years of age or older who is sexually attracted to a prepubescent child 5 or more years their junior.

According to the DSM-5, the child being desired can be no older than 12 years of age; but if the minor is 11 or 12 years old and beyond Tanner Stage 1, then the older person admiring them is not a pedophile.

Any other definition of a "pedophile" is pop psychology at best. Of course, paradoxical_anamoly8, like all the other semi-illiterate pedophile-panic fanatics, you simply have to demonize Robby with a scarlet letter that he should not have to wear or you're not happy.

Paradoxical_anamoly8? What you are doing is engaging in mendacious pedo-shaming, which is the most egregious form of libel and slander. Well, you can take your pedophile wand and stick it where it best fits, because you are the source of the problem rather than the solution to it.

In her post, paradoxical_anamoly8 also stated:

I am tired of not having the most basic human rights because of the sex offender hysteria.

It's not hysteria. You actually did this. You are a sex offender. And you do have sex with children.

But you see, paradoxical_anamoly8? If a 14-year-old boy brutally raped you and you were wrongfully charged with statutory rape because of it, you wouldn't be spewing all this garbage of yours at Robby. American statutory-rape laws are anything but fair.

All you have to do is read the online publication titled The Paradox of Statutory Rape by Russell L. Christopher and Kathryn Hope Christopher from beginning to end, and you'll realize that the American criminal justice system is only seeking to get convictions against anyone they can, guilty or innocent, rather than to protect the public safety.

Your statements to Robby amount to nothing more than pedophile-panic propaganda. And, no, Robby doesn't have sex with children. What he did was have a one-time sexual experience with a teenage girl despite that he was older than what her parents obviously approved of. He didn't go stalking some 5-year-old girl in a playground and then abduct her and rape her.

Paradoxical_anamoly8? If you believe all the crap that you typed in your post, then you're the one with the sick and twisted mind.

In her post, paradoxical_anamoly8 also stated:

I am unable to have a relationship with anyone because they dump me as soon as they find out.

Because people typically date with the idealism of eventually starting a family. And the people you are dating are fearfully for their future children because you are a sex offender who has sex with children.

Paradoxical_anamoly8? Stop making things up, and get your facts straight. I agree with you that people typically date with the idealism of eventually starting a family. However, the fact of the matter is that these people that Robby described in his Reddit post behave the way they do inasmuch as they have as narrow of a mind as you do.

Technically under the law, Robby may be a sex offender. However, merely because he had sex with a 14-year-old girl when he was 21 years old, he is not going to engage in incest.

Robby does not have sex with children. He had sex with Emily when she was a teenager, but that does not constitute sex with children. It's almost as though people like you, paradoxical_anamoly8, have to learn the hard way. Your kind are never receptive to enlightenment on these topics. In your puritanical bubble, the status quo is always right about everything. That in itself is a dangerous ride to take, because the status quo has frequently been proven to be wrong.

I have to question why nobody has ever accused Levi Johnston of being a danger to his own children. He actually forced Bristol Palin into sexual intercourse against her will back when she was 16 years old. Then again, somehow being the same age as one's rape victim magically somehow vindicates teenage boys of all culpability as apparently what happened with Levi Johnston.

His trashy wife, Sunny Oglesby, is not much better of a person than he is. She has a God complex very much as you do, paradoxical_anamoly8, but she is really intellectually bankrupt as you are.

In her post, paradoxical_anamoly8 also stated:

I still talk to the girl everyday. It is almost 10 years later, and we are very close.

This is because you groomed her.

Oh, wow. Isn't it funny how pedophile-panic fanatics like you, paradoxical_anamoly8, always default to your notorious grooming agenda. The reason that Robby was talking to Emily and was still close to her every day from 2013 when he published his post on Reddit almost 10 years after his arrest was because he was in love with her, period.

I would not doubt that Robby is still involved with Emily and in love with her now in 2024. With people like you, paradoxical_anamoly8, everything is almost like a contest. You never admit that you're wrong about anything, because you're incapable of seeing beyond your biased perspective.

Paradoxical_anamoly8? I seriously doubt that Emily is going to send you a thank-you letter for belittling and insulting the man that she probably still loves to this very day. You must be one of these dunces who get all mushy and sentimental whenever someone marries their high-school sweetheart at age 19. Reality has it that everyone does not wish to live in your make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection. You are the face of hatred, and nobody cares about your opinion except for you.

In her post, paradoxical_anamoly8 also stated:

it brings me too much shame because I know that I did wrong.

But you can't fathom why no one wants to be around you? You can't fathom why no one wants you in their neighborhood, in close proximity to their children?

Paradoxical_anamoly8? Stop acting as though Robby is the next Donald James Smith. He did not commit any heinous crime against someone's prepubescent child. He and the love of his life were merely unfortunate enough to be on opposite sides of the legal age line when they first consummated their love for each other.

Yes, Robby did break the law, but he acknowledged it in his Reddit post. Why can't you simply leave it at that, paradoxical_anamoly8, instead of turning his sexual experience with Emily into the sex crime of the century?

In her post, paradoxical_anamoly8 also stated:

After being harassed so much, I am reminded everyday that I am guilty and did the wrong thing by taking advantage of her. People judged me, hurt me, beat me, and threaten to kill me. When the teenagers kidnapped me, I was terrified, they were talking about lighting me on fire, and I thought that was the end.

You did take advantage, of an extremely vulnerable 14 year old. Harming a child is one of the most vile things you could do. But we're not worried about the kind of person you are here, right? Just the societal consequences if what YOU did.

Paradoxical_anamoly8? Get off your moral high horse. I agree with you that harming a child is one of the vilest things you could do. However, Robby did not kidnap a 7-year-old girl into a car and then take her off somewhere to rape and sodomize her. When he first had sex with Emily, I seriously doubt that he saw her as being a child. Otherwise, he probably would have declined her sexual advances at him.

As long as there will be 14-year-old girls who have sex with boys their own age, there will exist 14-year-old girls who consummate their love with boyfriends who may be older than what society approves of or the law sanctions. It doesn't make these boyfriends child molesters any more than teenage boys who engage in the same conduct.

You're simply not grounded in reality, paradoxical_anamoly8. The sexual experience that Robby and Emily had with each other back in 2003 is legal and accepted in most parts of the world. It is not their fault that the United States of America has become a puritanical black hole.

In her post, paradoxical_anamoly8 also stated:

Right now they would cut her off if they found out we even talk together, let alone were in an online relationship.

And you continue to groom her. Knowing damn well you should not be doing this, you are still doing this. And can't understand why mothers pull their children away from you? Because you took sexual advantage on a 14 year old girl, and continue it years later. You obviously don't think what you did was wrong, or you wouldn't still be doing it. You're objectively a repeat offender.

Paradoxical_anamoly8? Put a sock in it! Emily was 23 years old in 2013 when Robby published his Reddit post. She is now 34 years old. Do you actually believe that a woman can be "groomed" until she is 107 years old? You're obviously obsessed with all these pedophile-panic rituals. You act as though Emily is going to be 14 years old forever.

Everything you state about Robby, paradoxical_anamoly8, is nothing more than ad hominem remarks. He is not a repeat offender. He and Emily simply wish to be together, and they want to move on with their lives. Merely because you want the United States to be a Fascist totalitarian police state doesn't mean that everyone agrees with your flawed school of thought.

Robby is doing nothing wrong as of today. He admitted that he crossed a line when Emily was a teenager. I honestly don't feel that he should have been prosecuted for it, but that's just me.

What do you want from Robby, paradoxical_anamoly8? Do you want him to throw himself to your feet and beg you for forgiveness? He owes you nothing, and he owes society nothing. The best thing that he and Emily could ever do would be to pick up and leave this upside-down country we call the United States of America. They would be away from dangerous self-righteous do-gooders like you who are eventually going to destroy the United States.

In her post, paradoxical_anamoly8 also stated:

I know we belong together and one day it will all work out. I always did. but all I do everyday is cry about the life together that I feel we were robbed of. I want to be with her so much and she wants to be with me, but for some reason, we can't.

You're an abuser. And fantasize about a life long endeavor of sexual abuse towards what I assume is your first victim.

Paradoxical_anamoly8? I could just slap you across the face for making such a hateful statement against Robby, but violence is simply not my scene.

If you're going to call Robby an abuser, paradoxical_anamoly8, then you have to call all the deadbeat teenage fathers of the world abusers as well. Of course, I'm sure you would come back and insist that scumbags like Levi Johnston are merely products of normal adolescent behavior and that the boy should not always be blamed for his underage girlfriend's pregnancy.

Paradoxical_anamoly8? What proof do you have that Robby has had sexual intercourse with other teenage girls after his involvement with Emily in 2003? You're demonizing Robby to be something that he is not. There are two versions of him. The real Robby and the diabolical one that only exists in your deranged mind.

It almost leads me to suspect that you might even be a QAnon conspiracy theorist, if not a MeToo movement fraudster, paradoxical_anamoly8. You clearly couldn't care less about the actual facts of what really went on between Robby and Emily back in 2003. You only wish to criminalize Robby any way you can, even if you have to go as far as fabricating events that never happened.

Paradoxical_anamoly8? You are the reason that the American criminal court system is falling apart. I've read other posts of yours on Reddit, and you do nothing to hide the fact that you're a typical men-hating femi-Nazi who doesn't care about the truth so long as you are able to shove your agenda down other people's throats.

Paradoxical_anamoly8? You actually believe that 18-year-old women are fragile infants. How stupid of you! You are doing more to insult young women than to build their confidence. They don't need a lizard woman like you molding their outlook on the world.

It's no wonder that the birthrate in the United States is very low, and very few men wish to get married in our country full of men-hating femi-Nazis. Paradoxical_anamoly8? You probably hang around femi-freak shows like Shanley Cane and Fraidy Reiss. Women like you are to blame for the spike in mysognists here in the United States.

Pardoxical_anamoly8? Perhaps the possibility that sexually precocious teenage girls likely make you feel inadequate about your own sexuality could explain why you are so hostile toward men you don't even know. Therefore, you go into pedophile-panic mode to give yourself a false sense of security. That is so unhealthy, and it will eat you alive.

Brett Jordan is the author of this picture/Source:  Pexels

4. Final Thoughts

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but nobody is entitled to their own facts. Never mind all of this rhetoric about how everyone has their own truth. There can only be one truth about a situation or an incident. Everything else beyond it is either speculation or pure conjecture.

Don't waste your time posting on Reddit. To the best of my knowledge, you don't get any monetary compensation for it. You only get a bunch of baseless and intellectually bankrupt criticism and ridicule from idiots with narrow minds like paradoxical_anamoly8.

If Robby was going to share his story about how his relationship with Emily got started, he might as well have taken her with him to appear on The Steve Wilkos Show. Steve Wilkos would have been equally as contentious with Robby as paradoxical_anamoly8 is. These same antagonists bring nothing to the table, and they seldom ever practice what they preach.

The bottom line is this. If Robby and Emily are still in the United States, they need to expatriate. Perhaps their situation has calmed down in recent years. However, the comments section of Robby's Reddit post has fairly recent replies. As long as Robby and Emily remain here in this country, they will never have the quality of life they so deserve.

Self-appointed psychotherapists like paradoxical_anamoly8 can only do harm to Robby and Emily. They're not there to help anyone. They only seek to vent their frustrations of their meaningless lives against others who may have stumbled across hard times as Robby and Emily did.

Paradoxical_anamoly8 and others like her don't truly care about Emily. They're only looking for someone to pervert-shame and mendaciously pedo-shame.

If Robby and Emily immigrate to Europe (minus the United Kingdom and Ireland), they will definitely see that they can have a normal, stable life again. Steven Robert Whitsett is even trying to put together a program over in Germany for people who have fallen into Robby's situation in order to get them away from the hostile environment that has become the United States.

Jason B Truth has published a whole host of articles regarding this subject matter on the HubPages writing platform. If you haven't read those articles, do so. They contain a wealth of knowledge and information regarding individuals who fall into Robby's circumstances.

This Article Is Copyright-Protected.


"Robby didn't want to have sex with her until she was older, but Emily threatened to lose her virginity to a social degenerate who obviously went to school with her. Therefore, Robby agreed to make love to her. He didn't want her getting involved with a druggie."

I honestly think If an 18+ year old girlfriend didn't want to have sex with her 18+ year old boyfriend (whom also had a bad, abusive childhood), but he threatened to have sex with another woman if his 18+ year old girlfriend didn't have sex with him, people, especially radical-feminists, would accuse him of being a coercive rapist.

So, if anything, Robby is a victim, too! Emily coerced him into sex!

Interesting point.