I'm a new user (if that part isn't obvious, now you know). Here are my thoughts on Steem.
How the hell is it number 3 in market cap among cryptocurrencies?
Ok, I'll leave that question aside as I'm still learning.
My first thoughts. A blogging platform. I guess that's a good thing? I can input pictures, but no videos? Maybe I haven't figured out the video part yet. I probably have to use hyperlinks and code to get a video in here.. let me give it a go while I'm writing this.
Going to share a random video from my YouTube channel; sorry if you think this is off-topic, but I want to test this out:
Apparently no way to "preview" my post before I submit so I'll just have to wait until I click submit.
I think the editing platform is very bland; I feel like I'm using Microsoft Paint here.
Earlier I wanted to change my avatar pic; something other than this circle face sillouette. Not sure if that's even possible; but I clicked on it and it wasn't an option.
I don't quite understand the money part of Steem; but I can say from what I've learned watching Jeff Berwick's videos on the Dollar Vigilante is that I'm extremely fascinated with the "no censorship" part of this. It's very in alignment with my thinking about many things in the world, which I'm sure I'll be blogging about soon enough.
I don't see any chat features; not even sure if they exist, but I think that would be a great feature to have added; some type of message interface similar to how Facebook is. Actually TBH, I'd love to see Steemit become more popular than Facebook, and Reddit. I hate the layout on Reddit, so I'm ready for that Myspace-like social media platform to just die already; and if Steemit is the next best thing. So far so good, I'm optimistic and I hope the editing layout here along with many more features will soon be implemented.
Oh nice, I see the video thing worked out perfectly. +1 for Steem!
and another +1 for the video being "playable" within Steem!