I'm in about 1000 coins on ripple right now. I have three daughters. So what I do is every payday I throw money into coins I think have potential. But I'm a very lazy investor. I buy, set a sell order literally $25 dollars away, and wait.
Here's how I'm looking at the reddcoin/crypto space. I'm 38 and went to UT-Austin in the late 90's. Being young, stupid, and from the country; I didn't see the amazing tech boom going on around me. If I'd gotten a job and started buying tech, I'd be a millionaire today.
Crypto will shake out like the 90's tech. Some coins will die, just like Ivy-sperm.com (seriously, look it up).
But just like the tech boom gave us Google, Apple, and Amazon; many of these coins will come out crazy winners.
I have a friend who bought 1 share google in '98. Yep, one. the commission was more than the share price. It's split so many times I think that one share has gone up 50x the price he bought it for.
I'm in for a few hundred thousand shares. If it makes 0.50 cents, I'm taking a few weeks to find that beach for some R&R.
i would also look into ripple, lots of potential! they are working with some of the biggest banks in the world
I'm in about 1000 coins on ripple right now. I have three daughters. So what I do is every payday I throw money into coins I think have potential. But I'm a very lazy investor. I buy, set a sell order literally $25 dollars away, and wait.
nice job brotha, im 4800 coins in on ripple, i invested at around 18 cents
me and my dad do the same thing, me and you could potentially be wealthy in the future!
Here's how I'm looking at the reddcoin/crypto space. I'm 38 and went to UT-Austin in the late 90's. Being young, stupid, and from the country; I didn't see the amazing tech boom going on around me. If I'd gotten a job and started buying tech, I'd be a millionaire today.
Crypto will shake out like the 90's tech. Some coins will die, just like Ivy-sperm.com (seriously, look it up).
But just like the tech boom gave us Google, Apple, and Amazon; many of these coins will come out crazy winners.
I have a friend who bought 1 share google in '98. Yep, one. the commission was more than the share price. It's split so many times I think that one share has gone up 50x the price he bought it for.
Coins will do the same.
True! imagine facebook utilizing reddcoin if that news were to surface that would skyrocket RC. thank you for your opinion.